Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | The movie looks at a "deal with the devil" -- involving violence and revenge -- that goes awry and the subsequent ethical choices made to set things right again. But while the main character's intentions are at least somewhat admirable, his methods aren't. |
Role model | The main character makes an ethical choice, but only after he has made a terrible decision involving revenge and murder. He regrets it and finds himself unable to pull off the illegal and immoral acts asked of him in return. But even to set things right, he's forced to steal, bribe people, and perform other sordid acts. |
Violence | A woman is raped, though the act is suggested more than shown; viewers see her afterward, in the hospital, covered in cuts and bruises. Later, she's kidnapped and held at gunpoint. Minor characters are killed, smashed by cars, and fall from heights. Guns are drawn, and characters are shot. Some blood is shown. Lots of chases, in cars and on foot; also fights and punching -- a teacher punches a large, tough-looking teen. |
Sex | The main couple has one sex scene in bed, under the covers. No nudity is shown, but there's kissing and thrusting. |
Language | "F--k" is used about half a dozen times, and "s--t" is said a few times as well. Other words include "goddamn," "hell," and "bitch." "Jesus" is also used as an exclamation. |
Drugs | Some journalists are shown getting drunk at a colleague's memorial service. The main characters have glasses of wine with dinner (no drunkenness). |
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