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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Thomas' mother urges him to clear his heart of grief and fill it with courage. The storyline encourages people to question immoral rules and stand up for what they believe. |
Role model | Thomas' mother puts herself at risk to strengthen and protect him. She sacrifices her safety to defend her town. Thomas and Alice believe they can be more peaceful than their hate-filled elders. On the iffier side, a witch's minions are played exclusively by minority actors. |
Violence | Many characters die, some in horrifying ways. Master Gregory kills witches by burning them. The Witch Queen and her cronies turn into their animal familiars and destroy a town, killing many innocent citizens; although there's no blood, residents are burned, crushed, and, in one case, swallowed/eaten. Some confrontations are hand to hand, with weapons like swords, knives, chains, and staffs. Some of the witches fight as their familiars -- dragons, bears, leopards, etc. -- which adds to the violence as they bite, roar, and jump on people. |
Sex | Thomas and Alice flirt from the first time they meet; they kiss passionately several times and eventually make out; the scene then fades into a shot of them lying next to one another, drowsy and embracing. The scene implies that they could have made love, but it's left unclear. |
Language | Sparing, aside from one use of "f--king" (as in "those f--king witches"). |
Drugs | Master Gregory is always drinking from a flask; he never goes without it and seems almost like an alcoholic. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | Possible suggestive comment from a woman about what is a man going to do with her once he rescues her; implied sex between a couple seen in bed, although the man appears clothed and the woman's bare shoulder is seen, and they kiss while in bed; kissing scenes between a couple. |
Language | F-1; D-2; H-2; a possible "For G's Sake"-1. |
Violence | Supernatural beings burn and sometimes their skeletons are seen when they are killed; character is burned and the burn and cracked skin is seen; character uses her long fingernail to impale another character and this draws blood; blood seen on a man's shirt; man's shoulder and leg is cut and some blood is seen; several characters die from knives or swords; blade bloodies a man's side; a bit of blood seen on a woman; a few other characters are seen with blood; corpses seen on ground. |
Drugs | Drinking in several scenes including a character seen with a flask more than once; tavern scenes. |
Nudity | Cleavage in a few scenes and a few times it is strong; woman's bare shoulders seen in a swimming pool. |
Other | Character mentions blood cakes, and she eats some that have worms crawling about in them; a few characters are heard but not seen urinating; tension between characters; death and grief; witches and possession of characters, such as that of a ten-year-old, as well as the killing of witches. |
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