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Shaun of the Dead

Summary: The uneventful, aimless lives of a London electronics salesman and his layabout roommate are disrupted by the zombie apocalypse.
Runtime: 1 h 39 min

Movie budget: $ 4,000,000
Domestic: $ 14,332,569
International: $ 17,175,518
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
2000saccountantactressair raid sirenalliance atlantisanswering machineanti heroarab grocerarsonautomobilebeaten to deathbeheadingbest friendbitten by a zombiebitten in the neckblack comedybloody handprintsboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbreakupbritainbritish carbritish comedybritish horrorbroken bottlec wordcannibalismcarcar accidentcar alarmcell phonecharacter name in titlechaseclimbing through a windowconvenience storecorkscrewcricket batcryingcultcult filmdartdead bodydead end jobdeathdeath of motherdecapitationdisembowelmentdismembermentdysfunctional societyeaten aliveelectronic storeexploitationexplosionf wordfirst partflatulenceflesh eating zombieflesh eating zombiesflowerflower shopfour word titlefrench carfriendshipfriendship between mengash in the facegeneration xgoregrindhouse filmhiding a bitehip hop montagehit and runhit with a darthit with a shovelhordes of zombieshuman versus zombiehusband wife relationshipice creamimitating a zombieimpalementimpersonationimpressionimprovised weaponindependent filminkjaguar motor vehiclejaguar the carjukeboxkilling a zombielead character played by screenwriterlifting someone into the airlondon englandlong takelook alikeloss of husbandloss of mothermachine gunmale tearsman torn to piecesmaximalismmidnight moviemilitarymolotov cocktailmother son relationshipnational emergencyneighborno opening creditsold ladyoriginal storyparody comedypart of trilogypool cuepost modernpostmodernpubpun in titlerecord collectionreference to queenrenaultrenault meganerenault motor vehicleretail employeerifleroommatesalesmansatiresecret lovesevered armsevered headsevered legshaun of the dead charactershop assistantshot in the chestshot in the eyeshot in the foreheadshot in the neckshot multiple timesshot repeatedlyshot to deathsiegeslackerslow motion scenesmashing through a windowsocial satirespoof titlestepfather stepson relationshipsuburbsurprise endingswat teamtetherballthe color redthroat slittingtimeframe 2000stire irontool shedtrampolinetv newstv show in filmwinchester riflezombiezombie apocalypsezombie attackzombie bitezombie childzombie comedyzombie filmzombie girlzombie horrorzombie outbreakzombie parodyzombie survivalzombie violencezombie walk
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