Watch NowShow more Solomon & GaenorPlay Trailer Summary: A tragic love story between a Jewish young man and a Welsh woman in the beginning of the century. The movie is mostly in English with parts in Welsh and Yiddish.Release Date: April 30, 1999Genres: Drama, RomanceDirector: Paul Morrison Paul MorrisonDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Paul Morrison Paul MorrisonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 45 minMPAA: R Production: APT Films, APT Productions, Arts Council of England, MetFilm Production, National Lottery, September Films, Sianel 4 Cymru (S4C)Country: United KingdomLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 165,485 Box office:Domestic:$165.5KWorldwide:$165.5K N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 22%6% 22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.6% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White87.5%Asian6.25%Jewish6.25% N/A Possibly woke elements:prejudiceNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Ioan GruffuddStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nia RobertsStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sue Jones-DaviesStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: William ThomasSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark Lewis JonesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maureen LipmanSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia David HorovitchSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steffan RhodriSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bethan Ellis OwenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Adam JenkinsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cyril ShapsSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel KayeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elliott CantorSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Emyr WynSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Julian Lewis JonesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Arwyn DaviesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dai MorganSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rhys EvansSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Helen GriffinExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gwyn Vaughan JonesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alan SchwartzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anne SessionsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Olivia SimovaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Barry DaviesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel LevyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Derek SmithExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jane ManuelExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Daniel PruchnieExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ri RichardsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gill GriffithsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Manon EamesExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dafydd Wyn RobertsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Huw EmlynExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Winston EvansExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sion HopkinsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alun EvansExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nick GrahamExtra Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Paul MorrisonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joan McCannCast director White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sheryl CrownProducer Black Female Filmography Wikipedia David GreenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andy PorterProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1910sabandoned churchaccountantanti semitismbabybare breastsbare chested malebarnbathtubbeatingbetrayal by friendbigotryblizzardbloodbreaking shop windowcardiff waleschapelcharacter names as titlechoir practicechristianchurch serviceclasscoal minecoal minercoffindeathdeath of husbanddeath of protagonistdestruction of propertydoor to door salesmandressdress as giftdrinkingdrunkennessenglandexplosionfabricfamily relationshipsfatal beatingfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfollowing someoneforbidden loveforenames as titlegifthorse and carriagehymninterfaith relationshipinterfaith romancejacob's dreamjewjew gentile relationshipjewishjewish marriagejewish slurjewish stereotypekaddishkisslatheliarlielooted buildingmale nudityman woman romancemining accidentmother forced to give child up for adoptionmother son relationshipmurderorgasmout of wedlock pregnancypeddlerpianistpig slaughterpovertyprejudicepubrabbirainreference to shakespeare's romeo and julietreligionrepentanceromantic rivalsalesmanscrubbing floorsearching for lost lovesecret love affairsewingsewing machinesexsex during pregnancysex in a hay loftsingingsingle mothersnowspeaking yiddishstar crossed loversstrikesunday school teachersynagoguethree word titletzitzitunderwearundressingurinationvandalvandalismvoice over lettervomitingwaleswashing machinewelshwelshwomanAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Douban Doubanrating: 6.6/10 Kinopoisk Kinopoiskrating: 7.4/10 OFDb OFDbrating: 6.3/10 Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Submit a 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