Summary: A lonely comic book fan, Les Franken, has a reaction to medication and becomes convinced he's a superhero.
Release Date: November 17, 2006
Runtime: 1 h 21 min
Production: Rival Pictures
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 1,000,000
Domestic: $ 7,202
International: $ 7,765
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
555 phone numberantidotebeatingbloodbloody facebongbouquet of flowersbrother brother relationshipbusiness suitcharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguechopstickclinical trialcomic bookcomic book shopconfidentialityconvenience storeconvenience store clerkcorporate logodelusiondepressiondoctordoctor patient relationshipdownward spiraldream sequencedrug companydrug testingelevatoremployer employee relationshipexperimental drugfightfloatingfoiled robberyfoot chaseforce fieldgash in the facehallucinationhearing voiceshit by a carinvisibilityjournaljumping from a carjumping off a rooflens flarelevitationlocked in a roomlooking at oneself in a mirrormedicationmental illnessmeter maidmicrowave ovennews reportnonlinear timelineparanoiaparking ticketphone boothpillspistolpolice chasepolice officerpolice stationpunched in the facequitting a jobreference to batmanreference to david blainerunning into a wallsecurity cameraslow motion scenesmoking marijuanastabbed in the earstanding on a tablestutteringsuperherosupernatural powersupervisortackling someonetelepathyteleportationtime traveltitle appears in writingtitle spoken by characterunspoken lovevoice over narrationwalking through a wall
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