Steamboat Willie
Summary: Mickey Mouse is a mischievous deckhand on a riverboat that is under the command of the tyrannical Captain Pete.
Runtime: 0 h 08 min
MPAA: Approved
Production: Walt Disney Productions
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 4,986
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1920sanimal crueltyanthropomorphic animalanthropomorphic false teethanthropomorphic hookanthropomorphic whistleanthropomorphismbellbloomersboatbucketcaptaincartoon parrotcatcharacter becomes phonographchaw of tobaccochewing tobaccocowcult filmdockdrumduckends with one character laughingexposed underwearfear gringarbage cangoathayhung by hookkicked in the buttkicking selfknifemeat hookmickey mouse characterminnie mouse charactermousemusical whistlingnational film registryparrotpeeling potatopeeling potatoespegleg pete characterperchpigpigletpitchforkpotatopulled by tailrevengesequelsheet musicsidewheelerspitspitting in someone's facesteamboatsurrealismswung by the tailtalking animaltalking birdtorturing an animaludderviolinwashboardwhistlewhistlingxylophone
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