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Street Knight

Summary: A former cop returns to challenge a plot to escalate gang violence in the streets of Los Angeles.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 841,015

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LGBTQ content included:


Possibly woke elements:

interracial, interracial friendship

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1990sabandoned warehouseaction heroaerial camera shotafrican americanak 47alleyambushanswering machineanti heroapartmentartificial heartassassinassassination attemptassault rifleattempted murderattempted robberyauto mechanicautopsybadgebare chested malebaseball batbeaten to deathbeatingberettabetrayalbinocularsbloodblood splatterbody in a trunkbound and gaggedbrawlbrother brother relationshipbrother sister relationshipbrutalitybulletproof vestcabin in the woodscar chasecar crashcell phonecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguechasechild in jeopardychrist allegorycoming of agecoming out of retirementcomputerconspiracyconvenience storeconvenience store robberycoronercorpsecorrupt copcorrupt policecorruptiondamsel in distressdark herodark pastdarknessdeathdeath of brotherdeath of childdeath of frienddeath of girldeceptiondetectivediamonddiamond heistdisarming someonedisguisedouble crossdream sequencedrive by shootingdual wieldduelelectronic music scoreescapeethnic slurex convictex copex policemanex soldierex special forcesexplosionf wordfalse accusationfast drawfearfemale rear nudityfightfistfightflashbackfoot chaseforensic evidenceframe upframed for murderfreeze frameganggang leadergang wargang warfaregangsta gripgangstergaragegay slurgetaway driverghettoglockgoregriffith park los angelesgriffith park observatory los angelesguiltgun in mouthgunfightgunfighterhand to hand combathandgunhaunted by the pastheistheld at gunpointhenchmanheroheroic bloodshedhispanichit in the crotchhit on the headhitmanhome invasionhomeless manhomeless womanhopehorsehostageimpalementimpostorimprovised weaponindependent filminnocent person killedinterracial friendshipinterrogationinvestigationitalian americanjewel theftjewelry storejewelry store robberykaratekarate chopkenpokicked in the facekicked in the legkicked in the stomachkidnappingkissing while having sexknifeknife in chestkung fulatin americanlos angeles californialove interestlow budget filmm 16machine gunmachismomale female relationshipmale rear nuditymanipulationmapmartial artistmartial artsmassacremaster of disguisemaverick copmechanicmercilessnessmexican standoffmissing personmixed martial artsmugshotmulletmurdermurder of a childneck breakingneo noirnewspaper clippingnewspaper headlinenightnightmareobservatoryon the runone against manyone man armyopening action sceneoverturning carpalm treeparanoiaparking garagepay phonepeer pressurepenancephotographpistolpistol whippedpolicepolice carpolice chasepolice corruptionpolice detectivepolice stationpolicemanpremarital sexprologuepsychological warfarepsychopathpunched in the chestpunched in the facepunched in the nosepunched in the stomachquick drawracial slurracial stereotyperailyardredemptionrescuerevengereverse footagerevolverriflerobberysadismsadistsafesafe deposit boxscene of the crimesecurity guardsemiautomatic pistolset upshakespearean quoteshootoutshootout at a train stationshot in the armshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the shouldershot through a windowshot through the mouthshot to deathshotgunshoulder holstershowdownsilencersirenski maskslow motion scenesnipersniper riflesocial decaysocial workersociopathspitting in someone's facestabbed in the armstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the legstablestore robberystrangulationstreet lifestreet shootoutstrip clubstripperstylized violencesuicide by copsurprise endingswat teamswitchbladetape recordertattooteen angstteenage boyteenage lifeteenagertelephonetelescopethreatened with a knifethroat slittingthugtied uptorturetough coptough guytragedytragic pasttraintrain stationtunneltwo word titleurban decayurban settinguzivigilantevigilante justicevigilantismviolencewalkie talkiewarehousewiretappingwitness
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