Watch NowShow more The Green RayPlay Trailer Summary: It's July, and Delphine has nowhere to go for the summer. She feels very bored and "empty", but this won't last; one day she accidently meets someone who seems to be totally made for her...Release Date: August 29, 1986Genres: Drama, RomanceDirector: Éric Rohmer Éric RohmerDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Marie Rivière Marie RivièreWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia , Éric Rohmer Éric RohmerWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 39 minMPAA: R Production: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, P.T.T., Les Films du LosangeCountry: FranceLanguage: FrenchDomestic: $ 43,839International: $ 20,993 Box office:Domestic:$43.8KInternational:$21KWorldwide:$64.8KBox office International:[{"country":"Portugal","data":"2662","flag":"PT"}]Source: The Numbers -8% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -8% lower than the critics.93%85%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 61%0% 61% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A Possibly woke elements:f ratedNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:93%85%Douban:IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Marie RivièreStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia María Luisa GarcíaStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Vincent GauthierStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Amira ChemakhiSupporting Arab Female Filmography Wikipedia Sylvie RichezSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Basile GervaiseSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Virginie GervaiseSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia René HernandezSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Dominique RivièreSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Claude JullienSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alaric JullienSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Laetitia RiviereSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Isabelle RivièreSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Béatrice RomandSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia RosetteSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Marcello PezzuttoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Irène SkoblineSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Eric HammSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Gérard QuéréExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Julie QuéréExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Brigitte PoulainExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gerard LeleuExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Liliane LeleuExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Vanessa LeleuExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Huger FooteExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michel LabourreExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia PauloExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Maria Couto-PalosExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Isa BonnetExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Yve DoyhamboureExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Friedrich Gunter ChristleinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paulette ChristleinExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Marc VivasExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Joël ComarlotExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Éric RohmerWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marie RivièreWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Margaret MénégozProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords beachbiarritz euskadiboredomcardscherbourg normandychild nuditycolor in titlecrying womanf ratedfalling in lovefemale nudityfrancehot pantsliving alonenormandyparis francepublic nudityreadingreference to cinderellareference to gustave flaubertreference to snow whitescrabbleseasidesecretaryshynesssmall talksolar phenomenasolitudesummer vacationsunsetswedish girlvegetarianismAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Top 10 of 1986The best films to premiere worldwide in 1986, I Hath Spake. I'm not so obsessive as to keep changing years with IMDb. All years from 1986 back are what IMDb said at time I saw the film. Jean de Florette... Contains MentionJul 30th 2012 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment