Terminator Genisys
Summary: When John Connor, leader of the human resistance, sends Sgt. Kyle Reese back to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor and safeguard the future, an unexpected turn of events creates a fractured timeline.
Release Date: July 01, 2015
Alan Taylor
Runtime: 2 h 06 min
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Movie budget: $ 155,000,000
Domestic: $ 89,760,956
International: $ 350,842,581
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abandoned buildingacidacid rainaction heroaction heroineactivationactor plays a dual roleactor reprises previous roleaerial camera shotairplanealleyalloyalternate futurealternate timelinealternative futureambushandroidanti heroineapologyappointmentargumentarmoryarmyarrestartificial intelligenceassassinassassination attemptattackattempted murderaustralian actor playing american characteraustralian actor plays an american characterbald manbarbecuebarcodebattlebattlefieldbeachbeaten to deathbeatingbegins with voice over narrationbetrayalbillboardbiopunkbirthday cakeblack brablack manblockbusterbloody facebody enhancementbody lands on a carbombbooby trapbrawlbridgebridge collapsebritish actor plays an american characterbritish actress playing american characterbritish actress plays an american characterbullet holebullet hole in a windshieldbullseyebump on the headbunkerbus crashcar chasecar crashcar crashes through a barricadecar crashes through a windowcar not startingcar on firecar truck chasecassette playercell phonechanging the futurecharacter name in titlecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter's point of view camera shotchasecheerchildchild in jeopardychildhood flashbackcity at nightcity lightscity night scapecityscapecityviewclasp knifeclothing businesscombatcombat fatiguecomputerconcentration campcontemporary westerncorporationcorpsecorridorcrashing through a gatecruisercyberpunkcyborgcyborg sci fidangerdark futuredeathdebrisdecapitationdeceptiondepartment storedesert eagledestinydestructiondetectivedetonatordisarming someonedisfigurementdisguisedisrobingdoctordogdressing roomdriving through a gatedronedual wielddumb copdumpsterear pieceelectrocutionelectromagnetismelectronic music scoreembraceend of the worldenemyenemy territoryescape from custodyex marineexploding bodyexploding bridgeexploding buildingexploding carexploding helicopterexplosionextended armfacial scarfactoryfalling to the groundfamous linefamous scorefatefather figurefather son relationshipfearfemale fighterfemale nudityfemale police officerfemale protagonistfemale rear nudityfemale time travelerfemale warriorfictional warfifth partfightfighting the systemfistfightflashbackflotsam and jetsamflying robotfollowing enemyfoot chaseforced smilefreedomfugitivefuturefuture wargarbage truckgas maskgash in the facegerman shepherdgiant robotgiant teddy beargirls with gunsgolden gate bridgegood versus evilgovernment agentgraffitigrenade launchergriffith park los angelesguardiangunfightgunshot hole in car windshieldhand scanhand through chesthand to hand combathandcuffshead blown offheadbuttheld at gunpointhelicopterhelicopter chasehelicopter crashhelping handherohero gone badhighwayhit by a carhit by a truckhologramhomagehomeless manhonking hornhoodiehopehospitalhugginghuman cyborg relationshiphuman versus computerhuman versus cyborghuman versus machinehuman versus robothumanoid cyborgimpalementimpersonating a police officerimpostorinfiltrationinterrogationinterviewinvulnerabilityirish americanjohn connor characterjumping through a windowkicked in the stomachkiller cyborgkiller robotkisskiss on the lipskiss on the mouthknifeknocked out with a gun buttkyle reesekyle reese characterlaboratorylakelaptop computerlaserlaser gunleaderleadershipleather jacketlens flarelethal autonomous weaponlevitationlifted by the throatlos angeles californialump on headmachine gunmachinerymale antagonistmale computer voicemale male hugmale nuditymale protagonistmale time travelermale villainman against machineman from the futureman versus robotman wears a suit and tiemanipulationmartial artsmedical scrubsmeeting future selfmegacorporationmemorymessagemicrochipmilitary industrial complexmissionmixed martial artsmohawkmonitormother son relationshipmother versus sonmotivational speechmotorcyclemrimri scanmugshotmultiple exposuremurdermurder of a police officermurder of a security guardmushroom cloudnanotechnologynear death experienceneo noirneo westernnews reportnotebook computernuclear explosionnuclear holocaustnuclear missilenudityofficeon the roadon the runone man armyone woman armyopening action sceneorborphanoutrunning explosionparanoiaparking garageperson on firepg 13 sequel to r rated franchisephotographpicking a lockpicnicpistolplatformpointing a gun at someonepolicepolice detectivepolice lieutenantpolice officerpolice officer stabbedpolice stationpost apocalypsepostmodernpredictionpress conferenceproduct placementprologuepromiseprotectionpsychotronic filmpublic nuditypunched in the chestpunched in the facepunkrace against timerack of clothingray of lightreboot of seriesreference to elton johnreference to optimus primeregenerationrequestrescueresistance fighterreturning character killed offreturning character with different actorrevelationrevolverrobotrobot as menacerobot versus robotroboticsrocket launcherrooftoprunningrunning manrunning on the beachsabotagesacrificesadnesssame actor plays two characters simultaneously on screensan francisco californiasarah connor characterscanscanningscarscene during end creditsscene during opening creditsschool busscientistsecurity camerasecurity guardself sacrificesequelsevered armsevered headsewershapeshiftershapeshiftingshooting a police officershootoutshopshot in the armshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the eyeshot in the faceshot in the footshot in the foreheadshot in the handshot in the headshot in the legshot in the shouldershot in the torsoshot to deathshotgunslow motion scenesmokesniper riflesocial commentarysoldierspeechspinningspotlightstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the shoulderstabbed to deathstealing a carstray dogstreet carsubjective camerasubterraneansuit and tiesuper computersuper strengthsurprise endingsurvivalsuvswitcht 800 terminator charactertasertattoed armtattooteddy beartemporal paradoxtenacityterminatorthe terminatorthrown through a wallthrown through a windowthrown through a windshieldthumbs up gesturetime machinetime paradoxtime traveltimeframe 1970stimeframe 1980stimeframe 1990stimeframe 2010stimeframe 2020stimeframe 20th centurytimeframe 21st centurytitle directed by maletitle directed by mantitle written by femaletitle written by maletoastingtorchtough girltough guytracer firetraffictransformationtransportationtrashtrucktv newstwo way mirrortwo word titleunconscious manundressingvanvehicleview through rifle scopevoice over narrationwaitresswarriorweaponweapons firewindwind in hairwisecrack humorwoman wears a gas maskyear 1973year 1984year 1997year 2015year 2017year 2029younger version of character
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