Watch NowShow more Thank You Summary: After a dramatic event happens, a successful man reviews the impactful moments in his life.Release Date: July 22, 2022Genre: DramaDirector: Vikram K. Kumar Vikram K. KumarDirector Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: B.V.S. Ravi B.V.S. RaviWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Vikram K. Kumar Vikram K. KumarWriter Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia , P. Gangadhar P. GangadharWriter Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 06 min Production: Sri Venkateswara CreationsCountry: IndiaLanguage: Telugu Box office:Worldwide:$791.1K N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 31%69% 31% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.69% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."Asian37.5%White31.25%Indian31.25% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology IMDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Raashi KhannaStar Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Naga Chaitanya AkkineniStar Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Prakash RajStar Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Avika GorStar Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Easwari RaoStar Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Malvika NairStar Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Sai Sushanth ReddySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia ChakravarthiiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Aayush AgarwalSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Avika GorSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Srinivas AvasaralaSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Easwari RaoSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia R.J. HemantSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Malvika NairSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Sampath RajSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia TulasiSupporting Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Bharath ReddySupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Anirudh PakaSupporting White NA Filmography Wikipedia Anirudh PavithranSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Prakash RajSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Naga Chaitanya AkkineniSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Vikram K. KumarWriter Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia B.V.S. RaviWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia P. GangadharWriter Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Ivano FucciProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dil RajuProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Harshith ReddyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia SireeshProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Dmitriy D. ZaytsevProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sk. ZabeerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords beastlovemanmonsterseasea monstershipAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Thank You Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, and Captain Marvel 100K Celebration Part 1 - Nooner #109Proper ReviewJun 6th 2019 Nerdrotic#AntiWoke Military Mom Interrupts Trump's Speech to Say 'Thank You'Proper ReviewMay 14th 2019 Blaze TV#CenterRight#Christian Thank You For Your Service Review This isn’t a movie for mainstream audiences, but if there is someone who I hope watches this film it is someone from the Trump Administration. Veteran care in this country has a long way to go... 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