Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | Details of the military coup and subsequent 1965-66 mass killings in Indonesia. The movie includes some historical facts, but it mostly consists of anecdotal evidence and recollections from gangsters and death squad leaders who show a distinct lack of remorse. |
Role model | None. Gangsters and leaders of death squads recreate the murders they committed. A male participant makes disrespectful comments about females' appearances. Gangsters extort protection money from business owners. |
Violence | Interview subjects try to recruit participants to "act out" the killings they committed during wartime. They also demonstrate the different types of killing they committed, with details about how efficient each one was. People -- including young children -- are shown to be upset to the point of tears when the murderers recreate and act out their killings. Simulated strangulation, throat slitting, and decapitation. Fake blood from fake wounds. |
Sex | Couple lie on a bed together, partially clothed and resting. Anecdotal story about oral and group sex. Adults make sexual comments about teenagers. |
Language | Language used includes "f--k," "p---y," and "s--t." Someone is described as looking like a "whore." |
Consumerism | Interview subjects talk about being gangsters, not having "real jobs," and wanting to kill for money. Some vanity. |
Drugs | Interview subjects smoke and drink alcohol socially and in moderation. One talks about getting drunk, smoking marijuana, and taking ecstasy. |
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