Watch NowShow more The BarPlay Trailer Summary: In bustling downtown Madrid, a loud gunshot and two mysterious deaths trap a motley assortment of common urbanites in a decrepit central bar, while paranoia and suspicion force the terrified regulars to turn on each other.Release Date: March 24, 2017Genre: ThrillerDirector: Álex de la Iglesia Álex de la IglesiaDirector Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Jorge Guerricaechevarría Jorge GuerricaechevarríaWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia , Álex de la Iglesia Álex de la IglesiaWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 42 min Production: El Bar Producciones, Atresmedia Cine, Atresmedia, Crea SGR, Institut Valencià de Cinematografia (IVAC)Countries: Spain, ArgentinaLanguage: SpanishMovie budget: $ 5,134,248 Cast Stars: Supporting cast: Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Representation Tags / Keywords coffeeebola virusheld at gunpointhipsterviolenceAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Critic Reviews: Total found: 1 Show in Search Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment