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The Big Red One

Summary: A hardened sergeant and the four core members of his infantry unit try to survive World War II as they move from battle to battle throughout Europe.
Runtime: 1 h 53 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 4,500,000
Domestic: $ 7,206,220
International: $ 603

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Tags / Keywords
13 year old boy1940s20th centuryambushamerican flagapplearmyarmy lifeassassination plotasylumbabybangalore torpedobarbed wirebare chested malebattlebattle between friendly forcesbattle of kasserine passbazookabeach landingbloodblowing smoke ringboatbookbucket of waterbuttockscamelcastlecavalrycavecelebrationchild soldierchild with a gunchildbirthcigar smokingcleaning a riflecoffincolor in titlecombatconcentration campcondomcrematorycrucifixcrushed to deathczechoslovakiad daydead motherdeathdeath campdeath of motherdeerdelivering a babydesertdigging indistortiondollar billdonkeydust cloudenemyfaked insanityfirst infantry divisionflowersfoodforestgoatgrenadegungun in mouthhand grenadehead injuryheart attackhelmethelmet decorated with flowershorsehospitalhuman shieldhuman skeletonhungry childinfantryinfiltratorinsane asylumkilled trying to surrenderkilling a superior officerliberationm1 riflem3 halftrackmachine gun nestman carries a dead boyman wears a uniformmassagemilitarymilitary uniformminemoney boxmousemovie cameramp 40 machine gunmusic boxnarrated by characternazi soldiernazi uniformnormandynorth africa campaignofficeromaha beachout of tune pianophonographpitchforkplatoonplaying a concertinaplaying basketballplaying pianopregnancypretending to be deadrabbitreading a bookredreference to adolf hitlerreference to benjamin franklinreference to edward g. robinsonreference to franklin d. rooseveltreference to george s. pattonreference to hermann goringreference to humphrey bogartreference to nelson rockefellerreplacementroll of toilet papersaltpetersaltpetrescoutscreamscreamingscythesemi autobiographicalsergeantsevered earsexsexual fantasysexual intercourseshaving with a straight razorshellingsicilysicily invasionslip and fallsnipersoldiersoldier carrying a wounded soldiersome scenes in black and whitesouth italyspankingstabbed to deathstepping on a land minesulpha powdersummary executiontanktattooed number on armthompson sub machine gun with box magazinethroat cutthroat slittingtimeframe 1940stimeframe 20th centurytoasting with schnappstorpedotraptrenchtunis tunisiatwo way radiou.s. armyu.s. soldierupright pianovignettevoice over narrationwalkie talkiewar trophywashing faceweaponwestern front of world war iiwheel of cheesewoman in laborworld war oneworld war twoworld war two soldierwristwatchwriteryear 1942year 1943year 1944year 1945zippo lighter
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