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The Blue Lagoon

Summary: During the Victorian period, two preteen cousins are shipwrecked on a tropical island in the South Pacific and enjoy a simple life together until puberty complicates matters.
Runtime: 1 h 44 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 4,500,000
Domestic: $ 58,853,106

Box office:



based on novel, remake

Possible Big Business:


Columbia Pictures


White88.89%Mixed / Other11.11%
BechdeltestNo 2 women


Role model3/5

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RaceWhiteBlackMixed / OtherArabTotalVisualsInfo
A third party facial recognition software company we used to maintain objectivity. Upload images to the facial recognition demo page to check the veracity of our data set. Or use their API and do a bulk peer review if you'd like.


This is the most reliable data source for accurate ethnic breakdowns of famous people. Often the information is crowdsourced by users and they cite all their sources (family trees, obituaries, census archives, etc.) on the bottom of the page. The only issue is converting their ambiguous and inconsistent verdicts into quantifiable variables.


Cast Percentages71.43%14.29%7.14%7.14%100%
U.S. Population (1980) Percentage79.6%11.7%3%0.27%
US Census
(Note: Racial and ethnic categories overlap so the sum will not equal 100%.)
U.S. Population (1980) Representation-8.17+2.59+4.14+6.87
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Percentage81.25%7.72%0.76%
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Representation-9.82+6.57+6.38
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Percentage84.16%8.33%2.19%
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Representation-12.73+5.96+4.95
World population (1980) Percentage20.04%9.56%1.92%6.38%
NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race. Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
World population (1980) Representation+51.39+4.73+5.22+0.76
World Buying Power Percentage36.48%6.38%1.81%6.38%
NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race. Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
World Buying Power Representation+34.95+7.91+5.33+0.76
The "Mixed / Other" categories overlap, and the 2 or more category was not an option until the 2000 Census. So for the combined column, all data will be taken from the "Other" column except for 2000, 2010, & 2020. For those, the average between the "2 or More Races" and "Some Other Race" will be used.
Arab Americans are less than 1% of the US population and often check "White" or "Other" on the US Census. And the only data available for them started when the US Census added ancestry in 1980. So assume a less than 1% margin of error and overlap with the "White" and "Other" categories.

7 year old7 year old girl9 year old boyabandoning shipadolescent boyadolescent girladriftadrift in rowboatalcoholattempted suicideattractionbabyback to naturebananabarrelbased on novelbeachbeefcakeblockbusterblond boybloodblood stainboyboy nuditybreast feedingbuildingbutt ass nakedcampfirecastawaycaught masturbatingchild in jeopardychild nuditychild protagonistchildbirthchristmaschristmas carolchristmas stockingclipper shipclotheslinecoconutcolor in titlecolumbia tristarcolumbia tristar home videocoming of agecookcoralcoral reefcorporal punishmentcousin cousin incestcousin cousin relationshipcovered in mudcrabdead bodydeathdeath by drowningdesert islanddesiredinghydivingdolphindrinking rumdrowningdrummingdrunkennessdyingerectionexploring sexualityfaintingfalling in lovefather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfearfemale full frontal nudityfemale full rear nudityfemale nudityfirefirst kissfirst partfirst time sexfish meatfishingflash forwardfoot cutforaginggirlgirl nuditygirl toplessgiving birthgrowing upgutting a fishhammockhandfishinghit with a coconuthomemade rafthomemade rafthuman sacrificehuman skullhuntinghutimplied sexintergenerational friendshipislandisland adventurekisslabor and deliverylacelagoonlifeboatlittle boyloinclothloss of virginitylovemale full rear nuditymale masturbationmale nuditymaroonedmenarchementormistaken for godmontagemorning sicknessmother naturemother son relationshipmudmusic boxnaivetynaked boynativenative ritualnative ritualnative tribenaturenewborn babynude bathingnude female silhouettenude in naturenude male silhouettenude photographnude swimmingnudityoaroctopusold manoutdoor sexpacific oceanpanpipeparrotpearlpearl divingpenisphotographpoisonous berriespoisonous berriespregnancypubertypubic hairraftreference to godreference to san francisco californiaremakerescuerock formationrowboatrumsacrificesailing shipsailorsandcastleseasea turtlesearch partysensualitysex in a lagoonsex in a lagoonsex in naturesex outsidesexual awakeningsexualityshacksharkshipship on fireship's cookshrinesignal firesingingskeletonskinny dippingskullsound of drums in distancesound of drums in distancesouth pacificsouth seasspankingspear fishingspyglassstarfishstereoscopestick insectstick insectstonefishstrandedstranded on an islandsuicide pactsunburnsurvivalsurvival adventureswimmingteen angstteen dramateen romanceteenage boyteenage girlteenage pregnancyteenage protagonistteenage romanceteenage sexteenage sexualitytimeframe 1890stimeframe 1900stribal ceremonytribal ceremonytribetropical birdtropical islandturtles matingturtles matinguncle niece relationshipunderwater sceneunplanned pregnancyweaponwildernessyoung loveyounger version of character

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This film gets a 0.5/5 family friendly score

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last updated: 2024-10-26Update data

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last updated: 2024-10-26Update data


This movie is meant to entertain and titillate and doesn't try to offer positive or negative messages.

Role model

Richard and Emmeline, who start out as young children and are teens by the end of the film, learn to survive on a deserted island. They model self-sufficiency as they provide food and shelter for themselves and a certain amount of cleverness in making their shelter more comfortable and even making tools, weapons, toys, and jewelry. They also model learning how to get along with someone and sustaining a relationship over a long period of time. We see them successfully have and raise a child with no guidance and in near-total ignorance. Paddy is gruff but affectionate and teaches them many survival skills. Richard's father never gives up searching for them.


Young Richard and Emmeline are briefly shown getting spanked, although not terribly harshly. They struggle against it (Emmeline bites the spanker) but aren't shown as seriously hurt.  A fire breaks out on the ship, and passengers and crew struggle with each other while attempting to escape. Richard slaps Emmeline in the face after she hits him on the head with a coconut. A human skull, a dead body, and a full skeleton are shown. There are several brief glimpses of blood and gore: The apparent remnants of a ritual are briefly seen as an indistinct but small, bloody mass; Richard witnesses a human sacrifice, and although the killing's not shown directly, blood is shown spurting onto the executioner's face; stones flow with blood; a lot of blood is briefly shown in water and some is on Emmeline's hands when she gets her first period; bloody hands are briefly shown from rope burn. Richard and Emmeline attempt suicide together by eating poison berries.


Emmeline finds a keg and tastes a drop from the tap and refers to it as "funny stuff." Paddy is seen once behaving drunk, comically singing and dancing.

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