Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | "You want to play the game, you better know the rules." Police officers don't get paid enough to put themselves in harm's way. Horror films make money because people are fascinated by death and violence. |
Role model | After a killer goes after Harry, then drops his weapon and starts to run, Harry shoots him dead, in the back. Harry will do almost anything to stop criminals. A reporter at first seems to care more about getting a story than about the truth but proves herself to be trustworthy and honest. |
Violence | The violence is so rampant and nonstop that it almost takes on a cartoon quality. Hired assassins attack a rising elevator carrying Harry and a woman, shooting hundreds of rounds from automatic weapons. Only the killers get killed. Harry smashes a lot of squad cars. Harry enters a Chinese restaurant being robbed by armed killers and manages to coolly shoot up the joint, bringing down all the criminals. A woman is taken and held at knifepoint. A man sets himself on fire to be noticed and broadcast on television. A child's remote-controlled car is used as a bomb to chase and blow up real cars; a driver is killed that way. A killer gets harpooned to a wall. |
Sex | Harry's attention wanders at the gym to an attractive woman working out nearby. Harry goes to bed with a female reporter, but no sex or body parts are seen. |
Language | "F--k," "s--t," "bastard," "cock up," "hell," "butt," "bitch." |
Drugs | An addicted movie star and singer injects bad drugs into his arm and dies of an overdose. Adults drink beer and wine and smoke cigarettes. |
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