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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | The main take away is about honesty: While a lie might sometimes seem like the easiest way out, in the long run, the truth always wants to come out, and carrying the burden of a lie can be harder than revealing the most difficult secrets. |
Role model | Rachel, Stephan, and David all make enormous sacrifices for their country during a covert mission. They must make difficult ethical decisions as they tread the thin line between spy and murderer. And they all must live, for decades, with the terrible secret of what happened during the operation. |
Violence | Several intense fight scenes are brutal and desperate, showing people who truly seem to be fighting for their lives with whatever weapon might be at hand. Some of these encounters feature young, fit agents, while others involve people in their 60s, but they're all bloody and powerful. |
Sex | A couple is shown in bed (no nudity), presumably the morning after they 've slept together. A towel-clad woman steps out of the bathroom, with men watching her. |
Language | Some swearing, including "s--t" and multiple uses of "f--k." |
Drugs | Some social drinking and period-accurate smoking. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | Sex between an unmarried woman and man who do not love each other and she becomes pregnant; passionate kissing between a few couples in the film; a young woman and man make out in an office and she is seen removing her clothes and straddling him. |
Language | F-13; G/OMG-3; S-1 |
Violence | A man is hit by a train and then it runs him over and it looks very realistic; a woman and man who had been held hostage struggle and he slits her cheek with a broken piece of pottery and punches and kicks her and this leaves her face very bloody; man with a bloody face; a woman is stabbed several times and a lot of blood is seen; guards shoot at escaping agents; graphic photos of corpses from the holocaust, some naked bodies are seen, including children; one girl is about three and dead with her eyes open in a photo; two men fight each other; in one scene a prisoner is taunting his captor and the man begins beating the prisoner in the face until he is stopped and some blood is the result; a woman is seen being hit by a man. |
Drugs | A lot of scenes of cigarette smoking; drinking including wine and vodka; a shot is given to a woman by a doctor and a woman gives a man a shot which knocks him and out; a man is given a lethal injection. |
Nudity | A woman is seen in nightgown; shirtless man. |
Other | The horrors of the holocaust are discussed; death and grief; a cover-up about a man who supposedly died but who escaped. |
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