The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
Summary: A young man named Kaspar Hauser suddenly appears in Nuremberg in 1828, barely able to talk or walk, and bearing a strange note.
Runtime: 1 h 50 min
MPAA: Not Rated
Country: West Germany
Language: German
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1820s1830s19th centuryartautopsybased on supposedly true storybavariabrainbrain manipulationbrain pulled outcaptivecatcircuscuriosityeducationenglisheuropeexistentialismexploitationfreakshowgerman confederationgermanyhandicapped actorhypersensitivityintelligenceisolationkaspar hauserkingdom of bavarialanguage learninglearning to writelittle personlogiclordmusical educationmysterious killermysterious manmysterious pastmysterious strangernaturenew german cinemanonconformitynurembergnuremberg germanyperiod dramaperiod filmpianoprofessorre educationsensitivitysocial guidancetimeframe 1820stimeframe 1830stimeframe 19th centuryunknownyear 1828
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