Watch NowShow more The Exploding Girl Summary: On a summer break from college, a young epileptic woman struggles to balance her feelings for her fledgling boyfriend while her friend Al crashes with her for the season.Release Date: May 06, 2010Genre: DramaDirector: Bradley Rust Gray Bradley Rust GrayDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Bradley Rust Gray Bradley Rust GrayWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 19 minMPAA: Unrated Production: Soandbrad, Parts and Labor, MBS ProductionsDistributor: OscilloscopeCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 40,000Domestic: $ 25,572 Box office:Budget:$40KDomestic:$25.6KWorldwide:$25.6K -21% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -21% lower than the critics.76%55%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 61%9% 61% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.9% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White90.91%Mixed / Other9.09% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:76%55%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Zoe KazanStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark RendallStar Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Maryann UrbanoStar Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Hunter CanningSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Franklin PippSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kay GoldbergSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Margot Ruth TenenbaumSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Nichael Alexander EisnerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Genevieve T. EisnerSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Caseyarnoux CharlotSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Caroline ElaineSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Buddy LoveSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve ArriagaSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Belinda AtchinsonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jordan ScovelSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Krista CarterSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kayla De PenaSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Charlie DibeSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Lamiah JamesExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Martin KoddenbergExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Angel Luis PolancoExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Jose Luis PolancoExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Jayla MooreExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia J. ReedExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Ciara WomackExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Miranda XuExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Elizabeth CohenExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Domenique CollinsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Thomas A. CroninExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sonia DavisExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Cordelia EddyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kieran GannonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Remi GurakExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Hayley HuntExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Noah KleinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guillaume LevesqueExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Craig MurphyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ariel PolandExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ken ShadfordExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert SpataroExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Savino SgueraExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Bradley Rust GrayWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Susan ShopmakerCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Billfield ChengProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Karin ChienProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Jason DiamondProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Josh DiamondProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bradley Rust GrayProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ben HoweProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia So Yong KimProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Lars KnudsenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jay Van HoyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 20 year oldanswering machineapologyawkwardnessbabybaby pigeonbeerbookbookshopboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbreaking a waterglassbreakupbroken glasscar accidentcard playingcdcell phonechildrencigarette smokingcollege studentcoming of ageconvulsioncookingcousin cousin relationshipcryingdance classdance studiodance teacherdoctordogdrawingdrinkdrinkingeatingepilepsyex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationshipfemale doctorfire enginefoodfriendfriendshipgame playingholding handshospitalhugginghusband wife relationshipillnessindependent filminvented toyithaca new yorkkitchenlaundromatlonelinesslooking at oneself in a mirrorlovelow budget filmmale female relationshipmanateemanhattan new york citymarijuanamedicationmilkshakemirrormonkeymother daughter relationshipnew york cityparkpartyphotographpigeonpigeon cooppizzaplantreadingringrooftopsadnessseizuresingersingingsirensleepingsleeping on a sofasmoking marijuanasongsoupspring breakstomach crampstonedstorytellingstreet lifesubwaysuitcasetape recordertearstelephonetelephone callthree legged dogtimiditytwenty somethingunderwearvibratorwanting a babywomanyoungAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Submit a review link YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment