The Fall of the American Empire
Summary: A shy and insecure delivery truck driver accidentally arrives on the scene of a major crime and picks up two bags of cash and hides them. Only the help of a prostitute and a former biker released from jail might get him out of tro...
Runtime: 2 h 07 min
Production: Cinémaginaire Inc., Téléfilm Canada, Société de Développement des Entreprises Culturelles (SODEC), Fonds Quebecor, Crédit d'Impôt Cinéma et Télévision
Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics
Movie budget: $ 6,900,000
Domestic: $ 2,178,460
International: $ 1,932,468
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
2010sbag of moneyblack pantyhosecharity bazaarcharity workercondomconfession boothcouriercrooked charitydelivery mandelivery truckdoctorescort girlfemale nudityfemale rear nudityfinancegolfgpsheistheist gone wronghigh class prostitutehigh heelshold uphomelesshomeless manhomeless personidealistin love with a prostituteinterrogationinvestigationjean racine quotationlack of evidencelootmafia bossmale nuditymale rear nuditymoneymoney launderingmontreal quebecnudityoff shore accountpantyhosephilosopherpolicepolice arrestpolice officerprostituterear nudityreference to aristotlereference to bajazetreference to donald trumpreference to epicurusreference to ernest hemingwayreference to facebookreference to fyodor dostoevskyreference to george w. bushreference to immanuel kantreference to jean paul sartrereference to jean racinereference to leo tolstoyreference to louis althusserreference to louis ferdinand celinereference to ludwig wittgensteinreference to marcus aureliusreference to martin heideggerreference to nicolas sarkozyreference to platoreference to pol potreference to racine's andromaquereference to silvio berlusconireference to socratesreference to tony blairrelease from prisonrestaurantsafesex comedysex with prostituteshootoutshot in the headstealing a carstealing from the mobstolen moneystoragestorage facilitysubwaytax evasiontimeframe 2010storture
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