Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | The film's position is that the Obama administration emphasized using diplomacy and dialogue to solve problems, and that, in the 2016 election, those ideals were crushed. Whether you agree will affect how you interpret that angle. |
Role model | The movie presents Obama's foreign policy team as decent, if flawed, people who are moved and honored to serve their country in whatever ways they can. It's exciting to see a woman -- Samantha Power -- in such a high, respected position. National Security Advisor Susan Rice (a woman of color) is briefly interviewed. |
Violence | Brief, disturbing footage of the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing. Discussion of the crisis in Syria. Dead cockroach shown. Tense, stressful, upsetting situations. |
Language | A use of "f---ing," a use of "a--hole," and a use of "damn." |
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