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The Good German

Summary: While in post-war Berlin to cover the Potsdam Conference, an American military journalist is drawn into a murder investigation that involves his former mistress and his driver.
Runtime: 1 h 45 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 32,000,000
Domestic: $ 1,308,696
International: $ 4,606,212
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
1940sairplaneairportamerican in germanyarmy captainarmy colonelarmy lieutenantatomic bombbarbased on novelbeatingberlin germanybicycleblack marketblood on shirtblood splatterbludgeoningboatbombbrandenburg germanybreaking an armbrickbroken armchampagnechandelierchasecigarette smokingcircular staircasecold warcollaboratorcongressmandancerdancingdead bodydead body floating in a riverdeathdeath of husbanddirector also cinematographerdirector also editordouble crossdrinkdrinkingdying during sexear bleedingear woundeatingex mistressfalling down stairsfemale in bra and pantiesfilm camerafilm projectorflashbackfollowing someonefoodformer ss officerfugitivegeneralgerman jewgermanygungunshothead held underwaterhit with a brickhit with a chairhospitalhusband wife relationshipinformerjeepjewjewishjournalistkickingkissknocked out with a gun buttmale female relationshipman punches woman in the stomachmarriagemilitarymilitary uniformmoneymoney falling through the airmovie theatermultiple narratorsmurdermusical combonazinazi collaboratorneo noirnewsreel footagenightclubnightclub actnotebookoccupationold flameorchestral music scoreparadepawn shop ownerpeace conferencepickpocketpistolpistol whippedpost world war twopotsdam brandenburg germanypotsdam conferencepresumed deadprojection boothprosecutorprostituteprostitutionpunched in the facerace traitorrainraperear entry sexreference to adolf eichmannreference to adolf hitlerreference to concentration campreference to harry s. trumanreference to josef stalinreference to the third manreference to winston churchillreporterretro version of studio logorocketrocket scientistrolling a cigaretteruinsrussianrussian generalsafe housescantily clad femalescientistscotch whiskeysecretsewersexsex shopshootingshot in the backshot in the headshoulder injurysmugglingsoldierssstabbed in the backstabbingstolen walletstripperstripteasesubtitled scenesuitcasethe new republictheftthieftimeframe 1940su.s. armyumbrellaviolencevoice over narrationwar correspondentwar crime investigationwar criminalworld war twoyear 1945
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