Watch NowShow more The Greatest Beer Run EverPlay Trailer Summary: A man's story of leaving New York in 1967 to bring beer to his childhood buddies in the Army while they are fighting in Vietnam.Release Date: September 30, 2022Genres: Adventure, Comedy, DramaDirector: Peter Farrelly Peter FarrellyDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Peter Farrelly Peter FarrellyWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Brian Hayes Currie Brian Hayes CurrieWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Pete Jones Pete JonesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 06 minMPAA: R Production: Living Films, Skydance MediaCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 40,000,000 Cast Stars: Supporting cast: Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Representation Tags / Keywords 1960s7th cavalryapple tvbased on bookbased on real peoplebased on true storybrother sister relationshipbuddieschurch musiccia officerdeath of frienddocudrama dramadodge dartdouglas c 124 globemasterdrink in titledrinking beerelephantsemotional journeyend credits character updatefather son relationshipflag draped casketgiant centipedeguilthitching a ridejournalistkilled in vietnamlockheed c 130 hercules airplanelook magazinemerchant marinemilitary policemother son relationshipneighborhood barnikon cameranile monitornorth vietnamese armypabst blue ribbon beerperilous journeyphotojournalistpolaroid photopolice officerpretending to be a cia agentprotesting vietnam warreference to general william westmorelandreference to gordon macraereference to james bondreference to john waynereference to oklahoma movieroad filmrunning through the junglesaigonself discoverysurprise visittet offensivethrown from a helicopteruh 1 huey helicopterviet congvietnam central highlandsvietnam waryear 1967year 1968yellow cabAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: All Total found: 1. Show in Search Critic Reviews: Total found: 5. Show in Search Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment