Watch NowShow more The Hebrew HammerPlay Trailer Summary: An orthodox Jewish blaxploitation hero saves Hanukkah from the clutches of Santa Claus' evil son.Release Date: March 25, 2004Genre: ComedyDirector: Jonathan Kesselman Jonathan KesselmanDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Jonathan Kesselman Jonathan KesselmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 25 minMPAA: R Production: Intrinsic Value Films, Comedy Central Films, ContentFilmDistributor: Strand Releasing, Vimeo On Demand, Worldwide Media ConspiracyCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 2,000,000Domestic: $ 82,157International: $ 12,458 Box office:Budget:$2MDomestic:$82.2KInternational:$12.5KWorldwide:$94.6K 14% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 14% higher than the critics.50%64%The Metacritic audience rated this 21% higher than the critics.Metacritic Meta:41/100Metacritic User:62/100 33%19% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.19% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White62.5%Jewish18.75%Black12.5%Mixed / Other6.25% N/A BechdeltestTalk about a manNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:50%64%IMDb:Metacritic:Metacritic User:OFDb:WokenessThecherrypicks:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Adam GoldbergStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Judy GreerStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Andy DickStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Mario Van PeeblesSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter CoyoteSupporting Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Nora DunnSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sean WhalenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony CoxSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard RiehleSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Melvin Van PeeblesSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Rachel DratchSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Harrison ChadSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim PetersmithSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Annie McEnroeSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Grant RosenmeyerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elaine HendrixSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ayelet Ben-HurSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Alex CorradoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Elaine HendrixExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ayelet Ben-HurExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Alex CorradoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brad DuckExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jason FuchsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ed KochExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Gary PrattExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Daryl WeinExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael MylettExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia T.J. SullivanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Audrey TwitchellExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Alexa EisensteinExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Evelyn PageExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia George HosmerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ronald SchultzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Leslie ShenkelExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alan NebelthauExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jerome F. RichardsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia C.P. LaceyExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Ephraim BentonExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Devin Rene BurnsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jimmy WalshExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chris McGinnExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kathryn GordonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Woodrow W. AsaiExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia David LeeExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Adam RoseExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anna BergerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ivan SandroExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeff MarlowExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ronald ShoreExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Tom ChalmersExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David SteinbergExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mylika DavisExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tony DevonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Liana Reda LeahyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Noli MollakuqeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John Jay BuolExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Scott CorrExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David KesselmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mickey O'HaganExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Isen RobbinsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David C. Roehm Sr.Extra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lorin ShapiroExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Dariusz M. UczkowskiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jan UczkowskiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David Von RoehmExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sarah Wagner-RoehmExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Jonathan KesselmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Valerie McCaffreyCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lisa FragnerProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Josh KesselmanProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edward R. PressmanProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Isen RobbinsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia John SchmidtProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Aimee SchoofProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sofia SondervanProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords 555 phone numberabsurd comedyafroamerican abroadanti semitismbagelbarbare chested maleblack and white sceneblack jewblack stereotypeblaxploitationblood splatterbreaking a bottle over someone's headbutt slapcatcatholic schoolcharacter name in titlecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter's point of view camera shotchristmaschristmas partychristmas presentchristmas treecigarette smokingcleavageclockcockney accentcrude humorcrutchescult filmdesert eagledigital filmduct tape over mouthelfethnic slureye patchface slapfellatiofilm starts with textfoot chasehanukkahhare krishnahasidic jewindependent filmirreverencejerusalem israeljewishjewish humorjewish stereotypejewxploitationkidnappingkwanzaalittle personmacheteman wears a wigmarijuana jointmarriage proposalmontagemother son relationshipneo nazinorth polenude drawingparodyphone boothpistolplaying violinpremarital sexracial slurraised middle fingerreference to adam sandlerreference to britney spearsreference to david copperfieldreference to harriet tubmanreference to julius caesarreference to sammy davis jr.reference to steven spielbergreindeersabbathsanta claussanta hatsatireshootoutshot in the chestshot to deathshotgunskinheadson murders fatherspinning topspitting in someone's facesplit screenspoofstabbed to deathstar of davidsubjective camerasunsetswastikasweatshoptestthree word titletied to a chairtitle spoken by charactertransmissiontributetwo way mirrorunderground railroadwhiningwritten by directoryarmulkeyounger version of characterAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Christmas in JulyKathy Shaidle brings us Christmas in July, with takes on It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, and the Trailer Park Boys Christmas special, among other films Proper ReviewJul 25th 2020 Mark Steyn#Christian#CenterRight#Jewish I Liked Scrooge Better Before: 3 Christmas Movies I HateLifestyle I'm not a big fan of Christmas. 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