Watch NowShow more The Indian RunnerPlay Trailer Summary: A Vietnam vet comes home to his small town and finds himself in conflict with rules that his brother has vowed to uphold.Release Date: September 20, 1991Genre: DramaDirector: Sean Penn Sean PennDirector Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Sean Penn Sean PennWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 07 minMPAA: R Production: Columbia Pictures, Mico, Mount Film Group, NHK, WestmountDistributor: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), MGM Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, Kino LorberCountries: Japan, United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 7,000,000Domestic: $ 191,125 Box office:Budget:$7MDomestic:$191.1KWorldwide:$191.1KAdaptation/remake:based on songPossible Big Business:Production:Columbia Pictures 6% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 6% higher than the critics.74%80%The average Metacritic score is 56%.Metacritic Meta:56/100 33%6% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.6% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White88.89%Jewish5.56%Mixed / Other5.56% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:74%80%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: David MorseStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Viggo MortensenStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Valeria GolinoStar Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Patricia ArquetteSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Charles BronsonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sandy DennisSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dennis HopperSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jordan RhodesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Enzo RossiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Harry CrewsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eileen RyanSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Trevor EndicottSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brandon FleckSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kathy JensenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia James DevneySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Leland J. OlsonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Annie PearsonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Thomas Blair LevinSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: V. Stacy KleinExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Benicio Del ToroExtra Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia James J. LuxaExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Adam NelsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eddie KatzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kenny StablerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Don ShanksExtra Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Neal StarkExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elaine SchoonoverExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Larry HoeflingExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Phil GouldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chuck UlmerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joe MartinExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Helen HalmesExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia James IntveldExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Jill AndersonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John Blyth BarrymoreExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Pete BoughnExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kaylene CarlsonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kevin CostelloExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Shane KerwinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Sean PennWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Dee Dee WehleCast director White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen BannonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark BisgeierProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia David HamburgerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Pat MorrisonProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Thom MountProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Don PhillipsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1960s1970salcohol abuseangerarsonashtraybabybarbare buttbare chested malebare feet on tablebarefoot malebartenderbased on songbasketballbeachbearbeardbearded ladybeaten to deathbeaten with chainsbeatingbeerbicyclebirthday cakebirthday partybloodbloody suicide sceneblowing smoke ringsboatboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbridgebridge constructionbroken glassbrother brother relationshipbrother in law sister in law relationshipbuilding constructionburned carburning carcaptain's chaircar chasecard playingcelebrationchainschasecheerleaderchildbirthchildhoodchurchcigarette smokingcircus freakcoffinconfederate flagconstruction crewconstruction sitecorncornfieldcowboy hatcoyotecrosscryingcutting hand on broken glassdancerdancingdeathdeath of fatherdeath of motherdeath of wifedeerdelusiondirector writerdoctordragondrinkdrinkingdrug usedrunkennessfarmfarmerfather commits suicidefather son relationshipfeet on tablefemale frontal nudityfemale nudityferry boatfightfilling stationfilm projectorflower childflyflyswatterformer farmerfresca sodafuneralgardengardenergas stationgasolinegrandfather grandson relationshipgreased back hairgrizzly beargunshothandcuffed to bar railhandcuffsherohighway patrolmanhippiehold uphusband wife relationshipindian arrowheadinmatejumping a trainkickingkisskitchenleilimbo barlittle personmale frontal nuditymale full frontal nuditymale nuditymale pubic hairman beaten to deathmarijuanamarriagemarriage proposalmathematics classmetal workermexicanmirrormoneymotelmother son relationshipmurdernapalmnative americannebraskanervous breakdownnumbnessohiooutlawpartypay phonephone boothpistolpolice carpolice stationpolicemanprayerpregnancyprimal screamprisonprison basketballprison guardprisonerpubic hairpull top beer canragereference to cain and abelreference to gilligan's islandreference to kent state massacrereference to losing farmreturn homerhymingriding bicycle down stairsriflerobbed gas stationrobberysand down pantsscreamingsense of smellserenity prayersexsheriffshootingshooting starsinsingersingingsmall townsmoked marijuanasnowsnowballsnowball fightsoft drinksongspitting in someone's facesplit lipstanding on headstars and stripesstealing carstole mustangsuicidesuicide by gunshotsuicide by shotgunsuicide of fathersunglassesswastikaswastika tattooswimmingswimsuittackletarget practicetattooteaching englishtearstelephone calltheftthiefthree word titletime clocktimeframe 1960stimeframe 1970stire pumptitle spoken by charactertoilettrainu.s. soldieruncle nephew relationshipunderpassvandalismvegetableveteranvideovietnam warvietnam war veteranviolencevoice over narrationvomitingwatching tvweddingwedding cakewedding receptionwelderwhiskeyAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Submit a review link YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment