Watch NowShow more The InheritorsPlay Trailer Summary: Austria, a little farming valley. Beginning of the century. When one of the farmers is found murdered one day, his labourers know of nothing, but are relieved, as the tyranny has ended. Then, something new happens for the first ti...Release Date: October 09, 1998Genres: Drama, MysteryDirector: Stefan Ruzowitzky Stefan RuzowitzkyDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Stefan Ruzowitzky Stefan RuzowitzkyWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 35 minMPAA: R Production: Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), Dor Film Produktionsgesellschaft, Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF)Distributor: Stratosphere EntertainmentCountries: Austria, GermanyLanguage: GermanDomestic: $ 196,452 Box office:Domestic:$196.5KWorldwide:$196.5K -10% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -10% lower than the critics.75%65%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 35%0% 35% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A Possibly woke elements:class differences,injusticeNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:75%65%IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Simon SchwarzStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sophie RoisStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lars RudolphStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Tilo PrücknerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ulrich WildgruberSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Julia GschnitzerSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Elisabeth OrthSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Werner PrinzSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Susanne SilverioSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Kirstin SchwabSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dietmar NigschSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christoph GusenbauerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gertraud MayböckSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Norbert PerchtoldSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael Pogo KreinerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Johann NadererSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eddie FischnallerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Stefan RuzowitzkyWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Barbara VögelCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Danny KrauszProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kurt StockerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1890s1900s1930saccordionallegoryalphabetanimal trainerarroganceascensionbad breathbare breastsbarnbarn firebeatingbedbeerbloodbroochburialcanecard trickcartwheelcatholiccemeterychasechickenchristianchurchcircusclass conflictclass differencescorruptioncowcow dungcrossdancedancerdancingdead animaldeathdeath of childdeath of motherdeutenham austriadoctordrunkennesselephantexecutionface slapfarmfarm handfarm workerfarmerfarmingfather son relationshipfearfemale nudityfiddlefightfirefoundlingfoundryfriendfriendshipfuneralgang rapegarlicgoldgoosegramophonegravegraveyardguldengungypsyhangingharvesthathatredhit on the head with a torchhorsehorse and carriagehymnillegitimate sonilliteracyinjusticekicked in the buttkirchham austriaknifelaborerlast will and testamentlazinesslearning to readlegacylivestocklovemale female relationshipmanormarriagemaster servant relationshipmilkmilkingmillinery shopmirrormoneymother son relationshipmudmud wrestlingmurdermurder of a childmurderessmutenew york citynudityorchardoxpassau austriapasturepeasantpenisphotographpipe smokingpistolpolice officerpoliticspovertypregnancyprisonprostitutepunched in the facerainrapereadingrecord playerrecordingreference to godreference to saint lukeriflerobberysalzburg austriaschnappsscythesecretservantsexsexualityshooting an animalshot in the armshot in the backshot in the facesingersingingsnowsongsoupstableboysteinstockingsuitcaseswindletalking to an animaltheftthieftied to a wagon wheeltopless female nuditytorchtrialtrousseauumbrellaunderwearurinationvictrolavillageviolenceviolinvoice over narrationvotewagon wheelwealthworkerwoundAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The InheritorsWhen the typical sub-literate American hears the words “German” or “Germany,” Nazi is most likely the first thing to cross the American pub Proper ReviewApr 1st 2019 Soiled Sinema#DissidentRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment