The Jerk
Summary: A simpleminded, sheltered country boy suddenly decides to leave his family home to experience life in the big city, where his naivete is both his best friend and his worst enemy.
Release Date: December 14, 1979
Genre: Comedy
Carl Reiner
Runtime: 1 h 34 min
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 73,691,419
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1970sabsurd comedyadopted sonadult humorafrican americanattempted murderbankbare chested malebathroombathtubbeachbeatingbinocularsbirthdaybreaking the fourth wallbutlercar crashcar falling off a cliffcarnivalcat jugglingcheckchurchcoming of agecondomconvertiblecosmetologistcourtcredit cardcrossed eyesdancingdatedirector cameodiscodogemployer employee relationshipeyeglassesfalling in lovefamily relationshipsfamily reunionfemale on male rapefilm projectorfire alarmfiring squadfish out of waterflashbackgangstergas stationhitchhikinghomelessnessinventorkissknife throwingleaving homeletterlos angeles californialoss of virginitymaidmale nudityman in a bathtubmansionmanuremarijuanamississippimoonshinemotelmotorcyclemotorcycle stuntmud masknouveau richepaintingphone bookracial confusionracial slurracistracist commentradiorags to richesremote controlrestaurantriches to ragsrobberyroseservice stationsharecroppersingingslapstick comedysnailsnipersniper riflesouthern u.s.st. louis missouristation wagonstolen credit cardstupiditysurprise endingswitchbladetearstelephonethermosthreattimeframe 1970stitle spoken by charactertold in flashbacktrailertraintrumpettwinkievoice over narrationwaiterwealthweddingwhite male pretending to be blackwinewoman initiating sexwoman riding a motorcycle
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