Watch NowShow more The Last Full MeasurePlay Trailer Summary: Thirty-four years after his death, Airman William H. "Pits" Pitsenbarger is awarded the nation's highest military honor for his actions on the battlefield.Release Date: January 24, 2020Genres: Drama, WarDirector: Todd Robinson Todd RobinsonDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Todd Robinson Todd RobinsonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 56 minMPAA: 14A Production: Foresight Unlimited, Provocator, SSS Entertainment, BCL Finance Group, Boss CollaborationDistributor: Roadside AttractionsCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 20,000,000Domestic: $ 2,949,212International: $ 415,214 Box office:Budget:$20MDomestic:$2.9MInternational:$415.2KWorldwide:$3.4MAdaptation/remake:based on true story 35% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 35% higher than the critics.61%96%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 22%17% 22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.17% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White83.33%Black16.67% 2.79 BechdeltestNo women talkingCommonsensemediaMessage4/5Role model4/5Violence4/5Sex1/5Language4/5Consumerism1/5Drugs3/5DoveFaith1/5Integrity5/5Language4/5Violence5/5Drugs2/5This film gets a 2.79/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:61%96%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Sebastian StanStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alison SudolStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Asher Miles FallicaStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Christopher PlummerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia William HurtSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ed HarrisSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Samuel L. JacksonSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeremy IrvineSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter FondaSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bradley WhitfordSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Diane LaddSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Linus RoacheSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Amy MadiganSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dan RenaldsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John D. HickmanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia LisaGay HamiltonSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Eoin O'BrienSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jordan Preston CarterSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia John SavageSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ser'Darius BlainSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Julian AdamsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia James JaggerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: John SavageExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Max GailExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dale DyeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Milton SaulExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Vesse SaastamoinenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert Reed PetersonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia August BlancoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hannah BlackExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Rose Lane SanfilippoExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Richard CawthorneExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel WhyteExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Wilbur FitzgeraldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bruce MacVittieExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mary Rogers McMasterExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lu ParkerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Rick ChambersExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rachel HarkerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gordon ConvoyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dalton PerrinExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Julian AdamsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ser'Darius BlainExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael ImperioliExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia James JaggerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tessa RobinsonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tyler RobinsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Zach RoerigExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ethan RussellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Travis Aaron WadeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cody WalkerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Erika DiamondExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Robin DykeExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tyner PeschExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Louis SteynExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Tjaart SteynExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Kurt D.L. WeissExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David DeVriesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert PineExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ric ReitzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Phong Atwood VoExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Andrea Antonio CanalExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Raphael Dante' Carr Jr.Extra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brenda L. DuboneExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Denitra GainesExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Juan GaspardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jason GerrardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David HueginExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Billy JamesExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Toccarra JamesExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Perry JohnsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Aurora KarineExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Marquis MagwoodExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jarom MatsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nick Mendoza IIIExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Gary MillerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jayvee MoritzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ryan NewtonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brendan O'DonovanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Barden Revelle IVExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Patti SchellhaasExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Rick ShusterExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Albert L. TaylorExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Shannon ThomasExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert TinsleyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ashley UeckerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Corinne van den HeuvelExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gjee Wade IIExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Kelsey WalshExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Wes WeemsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marvin E. WestExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rhonda WilliamsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Russ WilliamsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lina ZalewskiExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jordan Preston CarterExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia John D. HickmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eoin O'BrienExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dan RenaldsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark RandleExtra Filmography Wikipedia Production: Todd RobinsonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Iris HamptonCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Julian AdamsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Martin J. BarabProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael BassickProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Kyle BellingerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tamara BirkemoeProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Timothy Scott BogartProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andrew BoswellProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bradley BueckerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicholas CafritzProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Wayne ChangProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Adi CohenProducer Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark DamonProducer Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Wilson DaSilvaProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Pen DenshamProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Julie EcheverriProducer Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Paul EnglishProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cesare FazariProducer Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia David GendronProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Matthew HeldermanProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alex HernandezProducer Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Ali JazayeriProducer Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Petr JáklProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael LaundonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrick MarkeyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jessica MartinsProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Larissa MichelProducer Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Stephen MorgensternProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lisa OsinloyeProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Habib ParachaProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia George ParraProducer Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert Reed PetersonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anchittha PhongchubProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Brian PittProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jordi RediuProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Austin RenfroeProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kevin RoblProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sara RossiProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Shaun SanghaniProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jenna Sanz-AgeroProducer Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael SelbyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lauren SeligProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sidney ShermanProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Louis SteynProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia T.J. 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