The Little Thief
Summary: In a small town in post-World-War-II France, an unhappy sixteen-year-old (Janine Castang) tries to escape her dreary situation by any means at her disposal. Three successive friends (Michel Davenne, a married lover; Raoul, a fello...
Claude Miller
Runtime: 1 h 49 min
Domestic: $ 1,055,416
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1950sadulterous husbandadulteryarchive footageattic bedroomaunt niece relationshipback street abortionistbeachbourgeois societybourgeoisieboyfriend girlfriend relationshipcheating lovercheating on boyfriendchild abandonmentchoirchoir mastercoming of ageconsorting with the enemyescapeescapeeextramarital affairfake documentaryfalling asleep in a movie theatrefemale juvenile delinquentfemale photographerfilm fanfirst loveforty somethingfrancefrench indochina warfrench soldierfriendfriendshiphouse cleaninghousemaidinfidelityintellectualironyjailjuvenile delinquentjuvenile detention centerkleptomanialack of moneyloss of virginitymaidmale frontal nuditymale nuditymale rear nuditymarching songmother daughter relationshipmotocrossmotorcycle with side carmovie theaternews reelnormandyolder man younger woman relationshippassionphoto camerapolicepost world war twoprinting a photographprisonrebellionrecruitreference to christian diorreference to les aventures de telemaque by francois salginac de la mothe fenelonreference to les miserablesreference to the hunchback of notre damereference to the hunchback of notre dame the novelreference to victor hugoreformatorysearchseasidesmall townstabbed with a forkstolen goodssuicide by slashing one's wristsswimsuittea roomteen angstteenage girlteenage pregnancytheftthieftomboytypist schooluncle niece relationshipunfaithfulnessunplanned pregnancywatching a moviewhistlingwoman wears only a man's shirtwoman wears only a man's shirtyear 1950
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