Watch NowShow more The Lovers on the BridgePlay Trailer Summary: Alex, who's homeless and addicted to alcohol, and Michèle, who's losing her sight, form a relationship while sleeping rough on Paris's Pont-Neuf bridge.Release Date: October 16, 1991Genres: Drama, RomanceDirector: Leos Carax Leos CaraxDirector Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Leos Carax Leos CaraxWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 05 minMPAA: R Production: Films A2, Gaumont International, Les Films Christian FechnerDistributor: Miramax, The Criterion ChannelCountry: FranceLanguage: FrenchMovie budget: $ 28,000,000Domestic: $ 29,679 Box office:Budget:$28MDomestic:$29.7KWorldwide:$29.7KPossible Big Business:Production:Gaumont International 2% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 2% higher than the critics.86%88%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 22%0% 22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:86%88%Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Juliette BinocheStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Denis LavantStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Klaus-Michael GrüberStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Edith ScobSupporting Arab Female Filmography Wikipedia Georges AperghisSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel BuainSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Marion StalensSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Chrichan LarssonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paulette BerthonnierSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Roger BerthonnierSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michel VandestienSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Georges CastorpSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marc DesclozeauxSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alain DahanSupporting Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Pierre PessemesseSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maître BitounSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Johnny AldamaSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean-Louis AirolaSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Albert PrévostSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Maître BitounExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Johnny AldamaExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean-Louis AirolaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Albert PrévostExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marc MauretteExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marie TrintignantExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Daniel BuainExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Leos CaraxWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Bernard ArtiguesProducer Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Alain DahanProducer Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Christian FechnerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Albert PrévostProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hervé TruffautProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords 1990sabyssinianacrobataddictionalcoholicarsonart museumartistbargebeachbeatingbeggarbellboatbreaking and enteringbridgebroken bottlebumcafecar firecatcellistchampagnechristmascigarette smokingcrutchcrutchescult filmdancerdancingdeathdormitorydreamdrinkdrinkingdrug usedrunkennessemaciationerectioneye diseaseeye patcheye surgeonfactoryfalling off a bridgefemale armpit hairfemale frontal nudityfemale nudityferris wheelfirefire eaterfireworksfishfoot run over by carfountainfrancegungymnasticshalf blindhangoverhobohomelessnesshopeimmolationknocked unconsciousleg castletterloss of eyesightlovemale female relationshipmale frontal nuditymale nudityman hits a womanman on fireman slaps a womanmanslaughtermarchingmetromissing personmurdernudityobsessionone eyed manover budget filmpainterparadeparis franceparkpeep holepeople moverperson on firepont neuf bridgepost punkposterprisonradiorainrazorsamaritaine department storescraping forehead on pavementsecretseductionseine riverself injurysexshowersidewalk cafesketchingsnowspeedboatstatuestreet performersubwaysushitheftthiefthrown from a bridgetimeframe 1990storturetrampunconsciousnessunderwater sceneunderwearvagrantviolencewater skierwater skiingweldingwinoAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: THE LOVERS ON THE BRIDGE FRENCH TITLE: (THE LOVERS ON PONT NEUF)Content: -3 Excessive sex, violence, immorality, and/or worldview problems. (Sometimes excessive content such as violence is in otherwise redemptive movies.) Production Quality: What... Proper ReviewAug 21st 2012 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment