Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | Finding and using God-given gifts, along with working with others unselfishly, can work miracles. Multiple explicit faith-based messages: "The Lord never gives us more than we can handle." "The world can be changed by our actions." "God doesn't always respond the way we think He should, but He always responds." |
Role model | Main characters are earnest believers in religion, loving parents, and resourceful, and they continually do good works. Husband finds that he, too, can take a wrong path and is able to right himself quickly. Many characters find courage to search for and find redemption in the church. Ethnic diversity. |
Violence | Numerous hard-hitting wrestling bouts, throws, kicks, punches, pounding into the matt, choking. In one incident, an overpowering participant purposely breaks his opponent's legs. Some brutal street-fighting: In separate sequences, both a pimp with a steel pipe and thieves with guns on the attack are taken down forcefully by a masked vigilante. Evidence of assault is observed on wife as husband threatens her. |
Sex | A prostitute is threatened by her pimp; returns to church seeking a new start and is, at first, the object of congregants' contempt. A married couple kisses warmly. |
Language | "Crap," "hell," "turds," "butt." A man demeans his wife, calling her an "idiot." A pimp cruelly degrades a young prostitute. |
Drugs | A cruel husband is referred to as a drunk. One character smokes. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Integrity | |
Sex | Couple kiss. |
Language | H-1 used by a bad man; Jesus, God, and Lord all used in reverence. |
Violence | Bigger boy bullying smaller one; boy takes down a bully; wrestler breaks another man's leg in match; woman shown with bruises on her arms; man puts another in choke hold; man hitting woman and another man saves her by hitting the man; men robbing a restaurant; man meets men in alley and knocks them out; man with a gun points it at another man; church is ransacked and graffiti on walls; man points gun at pastor; caged wrestling match between the Saint and the Reaper. |
Drugs | Hospital scene; man smoking cigarette; man drinking a beer; comment regarding drug dealers. |
Nudity | Shirtless men; scene showing prostitutes on a street. |
Other | Man calls dog a rat; man yells at pastor and ref on basketball court; woman taken to hospital; pride and selfishness. |
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