Watch NowShow more The Messenger Summary: The Messenger is an artful investigation into the causes of songbird mass depletion and the people working to turn the tide. This visually thrilling film reveals how the issues facing birds also pose daunting implications for our ...Release Date: December 04, 2015Genres: Family, DocumentaryDirector: Su Rynard Su RynardDirector White Female Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Sally Blake Sally BlakeWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia , Su Rynard Su RynardWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 29 minMPAA: Not Rated Production: SongbirdSOS Productions, Les Films à Cinq, ARTE, Canada Media Fund (CMF), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Agence Nationale de Gestion des Oeuvres Audiovisuelles (ANGOA), Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC), Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Dell Media, Giving Voice, Kino Lorber, Ontario Film Fund, Procine, Rogers Documentary Fund, Rogers Telefund, Téléfilm Canada, ZedDistributor: Kino LorberCountries: Canada, France, Costa Rica, Germany, Netherlands, Turkey, United StatesLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 67,816 Box office:Domestic:$67.8KWorldwide:$67.8K -12% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -12% lower than the critics.33%21%The average Metacritic score is 76%.Metacritic Meta:76/100 18%7% 18% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.7% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White93.33%Latino6.67% N/A Possibly woke elements:f ratedNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:33%21%IMDb:Metacritic:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Erin ByneStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dominik EulbergStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bill EvansStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Andrew FarnsworthSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alain GrajovSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Frédéric JiguetSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter MarraSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alejandra Martinez SalinasSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael MasureSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia François MessierSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christy MorrisseySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Eugene MortonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andrea RutiglianoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cagan SekerciogluSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bridget StutchburySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kees Van DijkSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Martin WikelskiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Su RynardProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sally BlakeProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Martin de la FouchardièreProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joanne JacksonProducer Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Andrew MoirProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Diane WoodsProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords birdconservationenvironmentf ratedgreennew york citysciencescience and technology documentarysongbirdAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The Messenger - Talk About Games ReviewProper ReviewSep 8th 2018 Cinnemasacre The Messenger (half way) End Boss - Mike Matei LiveProper ReviewAug 30th 2018 Cinnemasacre Review: "The Messenger" Every few months another Iraq War drama comes out. They all claim to be different, and they’re all the same. Case in point is “The Messenger,” a sloppy, improbable and unbearable excuse... Proper ReviewNov 13th 2009 Kyle Smith#Christian#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment