Watch NowShow more The OutfitPlay Trailer Summary: Earl Macklin robs a bank owned by the mob, serves his prison time and is released, only to start a private war against the crime outfit that owned the bank.Release Date: February 09, 1974Genres: Drama, Crime, ThrillerDirector: John Flynn John FlynnDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Donald E. Westlake Donald E. WestlakeWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , John Flynn John FlynnWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 43 minMPAA: PG Production: Aurora Enterprises, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)Distributor: National Broadcasting Company (NBC), Warner Home Video, Warner Bros.Country: United StatesLanguage: English Adaptation/remake:based on novelPossible Big Business:Production:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 33%0% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Eiga:IMDb:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Robert DuvallStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Karen BlackStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Joe Don BakerStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Robert RyanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Timothy CareySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard JaeckelSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sheree NorthSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Felice OrlandiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marie WindsorSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jane GreerSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Henry JonesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joanna CassidySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tom ReeseSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elisha Cook Jr.Supporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bill McKinneySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anita O'DaySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Archie MooreSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony YoungSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Archie MooreExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roy JensonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Army ArcherdExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roland La StarzaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edward NessExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roy RobertsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Toby AndersenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Emile MeyerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Philip KenneallyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bern HoffmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John SteadmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paul GengeExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Francis De SalesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia James BaconExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony TrabertExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lee de BrouxExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Raven Grey EagleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bob HarksExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Charles KnappExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mike RaganExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeannine RileyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia George SavalasExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeffrey SayreExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Arthur ToveyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ralph VolkieExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: John FlynnWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Donald E. WestlakeWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carter DeHavenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords .357 magnum.45 automatic1970sambulanceauctionbalding manbank robberybarbarking dogbased on novelbombbookieboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbriefcasebrother brother relationshipbutton mencharacter says pittsburghchasechrysler imperialcigarette burnscontract killercop killercrooked police officercult filmdead girldeath certificatedinerdogdog barksescapefalse rape accusationfast carfire alarmgerman shepherdgetawaygirlfriendgood versus evilgunfightgunmanhenchmanhitmanhusband wife relationshipkillkillingkilling a doglaughlaughterlicense platemafiamafia bossmagnum handgunmale female relationshipmirrormobstermorticianmotelmotel clerkmurderneo noirnumbers racketorganized crimeparoleepoker gamepolice shootoutprisonpsychotronic filmracehorseredneckrelease from jailreleased from prisonrevengesetupsexsheriffshootoutshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the handshot in the headst. louis missouristablestolen carstolen moneystreet shootoutthrowing a cleavertimeframe 1970storturetrophy wifeundertakerunfaithful wifeused carviolent world of parker serieswatchAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The Outfit, 1973 - ★★ Watched on Wednesday September 28, 2022. Proper ReviewSep 28th 2022 steakchalupa#Christian#PaleoCon Donald Westlake Has DiedFilm, movie reviews, cinema, classic movies Contains MentionApr 21st 2016 John Nolte#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment