Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | No positive messages. |
Role model | No positive role models. |
Violence | Shooting (off screen) and needle puncture cause deaths; frequent slapstick stunts, including blows to heads and crotches, leaving an assortment of bruises, cuts, and other injuries; electrodes attached to crotch leads to grimacing and smoking pants fly. Gunshot to groin in animated intro. Character killed from poison dart to the neck. |
Sex | Brief kisses. Some women's outfits are tight-fitting and show cleavage; the camera focuses on Beyonce's hips as she walks away. Clouseau has his head in secretary's crotch as he helps her off a table. Viagra reference. Frequent double entendre and sexual innuendo. Assistant walks in on what he thinks is the lead character and a woman having sex. |
Language | Clouseau mispronounces "bowls" to sound like "balls" when asking a man if he can "hold" them. "Hell," "bastard." Humor in double-entendre and sexual innuendo throughout. |
Consumerism | Visual references to Holiday Inn, TGI Fridays, McDonald's. |
Drugs | Some drinking in a casino (including an exotic, flaming drink). |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | Sexual innuendos scattered here and there. |
Language | H-2; B-1; crude reference to male genitalia. |
Violence | Murders and fights and poison darts but nothing graphic. |
Drugs | Smoking and drinking. |
Nudity | Cleavage. |
Other | None |
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