Audience Reviews:
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Race | White | Mixed / Other | Latino | Black | Indian | Jewish | Total | Visuals | Info |
Ethnic | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 11 | |||
Kairos | 6 | 1 | 7 | ||||||
Forebears | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Total | 12 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 19 | ||
Cast Percentages | 63.16% | 10.53% | 10.53% | 5.26% | 5.26% | 5.26% | 100% | ||
U.S. Population (2010) Percentage | 63.7% | 4.56% | 16.3% | 12.6% | 0.92% | 1.71% | |||
U.S. Population (2010) Representation | -0.54 | +5.97 | -5.77 | -7.34 | +4.34 | +3.55 | |||
U.S. Buying Power (2010) Percentage | 77.06% | 1.17% | 8.32% | 7.85% | |||||
U.S. Buying Power (2010) Representation | -13.9 | +9.36 | +2.21 | -2.59 | |||||
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Percentage | 71.15% | 3.52% | 8.18% | 9.47% | |||||
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Representation | -7.99 | +7.01 | +2.35 | -4.21 | |||||
World population (2009) Percentage | 15.3% | 1.86% | 5.73% | 12.7% | 21.74% | 0.34% | NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race.
Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
| ||
World population (2009) Representation | +47.86 | +8.67 | +4.8 | -7.44 | -16.48 | +4.92 | |||
World Buying Power Percentage | 36.48% | 1.81% | 9.35% | 6.38% | 6.94% | 1.11% | NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race.
Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
| ||
World Buying Power Representation | +26.68 | +8.72 | +1.18 | -1.12 | -1.68 | +4.15 | |||
Notes | The "Mixed / Other" categories overlap, and the 2 or more category was not an option until the 2000 Census. So for the combined column, all data will be taken from the "Other" column except for 2000, 2010, & 2020. For those, the average between the "2 or More Races" and "Some Other Race" will be used. | Many Latinos check "White" or "Other" on the Census. So this overlaps with "Mixed" race and "White."
Also, when there was a discrepancy with the percentage listed on the Wikipedia table and our calculated numbers, the Wiki table's numbers were used. Likewise, when the population total was missing from the Census pdf, the estimate was calculated using the percentage from the Wiki table. NOTE: It turns out that the reason America doesn't have a separate "Latino" race is because the League of Latin American Citizens protested against discrimination towards Mexicans and got themselves to legally be considered "White." Check the research links in our Google Doc for more info. | If there were any inconsistencies with percentages calculated using our Census data, the Jewish Data Bank percentages were the ones used. Also please review the Jewish Data Bank pdf to understand the difference between the "Core" Jewish population and the "Extended" / "Law of Return" Jewish populations. We are displaying the "Core" Jewish populations since that is what the Jewish Data Bank and Wikipedia articles chose.
Also, the 1942 population estimates were used for the 1940 row. For the 2000 estimates, the "Core" definition was not used, so we used the 5.2 mil broader estimate instead of the 4.3 mil estimate since the 5.2 broader estimate seemed too drastic of a drop and the definitions weren't congruent with Core and Law of Return. |
MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | There are no messages here except one small one that occurs in the film's final minutes. The spineless house manager stands up to the champ, who has been bullying the wait staff, and succeeds in his efforts. Otherwise, the competition is equal parts friendly and mean-spirited, and there are a few derogatory insults along the way. |
Role model | While these waiters and restaurant workers may be funny, none of them are worth emulating or even remembering. |
Violence | One character is burned twice, via some hot soup and some birthday candles. Otherwise, there is lots of squabbling and shouting and mild wrestling. The "champ" punches a few people, and a character falls down the stairs and "breaks his legs." (They're bent behind him in a humorous way.) |
Sex | There is lots of boasting, sex talk, and some kissing (with moaning and slapping). A girl dances in her underwear, but there is no real nudity aside from a naked male bottom. |
Language | We hear constant swearing throughout, with just about every word in the book: "f--k" (and all its variations), "s--t" (and all its variations), "p---y," "c--k," "c--t," "ass," "anus," "bitch," "retard," "suck it," "dick," "blow job," "nuts," "balls," "'tang," "teats," "twat," "douche," and one made up word: "Ejacudor." |
Consumerism | The brands of alcoholic drinks are mentioned in the restaurant, such as Smirnoff and Blue Curacao. The restaurant also carries a Zagat rating. |
Drugs | The customers in the restaurant sometimes drink to excess, meant as humorous. One new waiter is given Blue Curacao to drink as a prank; his lips turn blue. He gets drunk and begins slurring and getting his words mixed up. Another character forgets to take his "meds" and starts acting crazy in the restaurant. |
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