Watch NowShow more The Spirit of the BeehivePlay Trailer Summary: In 1940, after watching and being traumatized by the movie Frankenstein (1931), a sensitive seven-year-old girl living in a small Spanish village drifts into her own fantasy world.Release Date: March 14, 1975Genres: Drama, FantasyDirector: Víctor Erice Víctor EriceDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Ángel Fernández Santos Ángel Fernández SantosWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia , Víctor Erice Víctor EriceWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 38 minMPAA: Not Rated Production: Elías Querejeta Producciones Cinematográficas, Jacel DespositoDistributor: Filmax, Janus Films, Connossieur Video, Vídeo Mercury Films, The Criterion CollectionCountry: SpainLanguage: Spanish Box office:Worldwide:$149K -6% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -6% lower than the critics.96%90%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 50%56% 50% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.56% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."Latino55.56%White44.44% N/A BechdeltestPassed!No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:96%90%Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Fernando Fernán GómezStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Teresa GimperaStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ana TorrentStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Isabel TelleríaSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Ketty de la CámaraSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Estanis GonzálezSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia José VillasanteSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Juan MargalloSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Laly SoldevilaSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Miguel PicazoSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Víctor EriceWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ángel Fernández SantosWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Elías QuerejetaProducer Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 16mm projector1940sactor shares first name with characteranatomyanatomy lessonanimal in titleapiarybarking dogbeebeehivebeekeeperbeekeepingbiology classblack catbloody lipsbody identificationboyburning a lettercamera shot from under a bedcamera shot of feetcampfirecastillacastillecatchild and fugitivechild protagonistchild psychologychildhoodchildhood fantasychildhood traumachristiancigar smokingcigarettecigarette smokingcinemaclassclassroomcoming of agecovering a dead bodycuriositydark forestdead bodydelusiondirectorial debutdoctordogdrawingeating an appleelementary schoolentomologistfantasizingfantasy scenefantasy sequencefemale teacherfieldfilm within a filmfinger injuryfugitiveghostgirlgirls' schoolguardia sevillehallucinationhoneycombidentificationimaginary childimaginationinsect in titleletterlighting a candlelighting a cigaretteliterature classlittle boylittle girllooking at oneself in a mirrorlorrylying on the floormagic trickmagical realismman reads a magazineman wears eyeglassesman wears one sockmissing childmissing girlmissing personmushroommushroom pickingobsessionoil lampold manold womanone room schoolhouseone sock up one sock downorigamioverweight manoverweight womanphantasmphoto albumphotographpiano playingpicking wild mushroomsplaying pianopocket watchpointing a gun at someoneprankprayerprayingpretending to be deadpretending to sleepprojectionprojection roomrailroadrailroad trackrazor shavereading a bookreading a book aloudreading a letterreading a letter aloudreading a magazinereading aloudreading aloud from a bookreference to boris karloffreference to frankensteinreference to frankenstein's monsterreference to frankenstein's monsterreference to godreference to virgin maryriding a bikerocking chairrural settingschoolschoolteachersearch partyshadowshavingshaving with a straight razorshoelacesinging alongsister sister relationshipsleeping fully clothedsoldierspanish civil warspanish villageteacherthrowing a stonetimeframe 1940stoadstooltraintrain stationtypewritertypingvillagevoice over letterwatching a moviewatching a movie in a theaterwatching someone sleepwearing one sockwellwhistlingwiping blood on lipswoodswriting a letteryear 1940Add Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: 10 Amazing Criterion Collection Films On Hulu Every Sane Person Should SeeLifestyle Editor’s Note: This article was first published in September of 2013 as "The 10 Best Criterion Collection Movies on Hulu." 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