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The Spirit of the Beehive

Summary: In 1940, after watching and being traumatized by the movie Frankenstein (1931), a sensitive seven-year-old girl living in a small Spanish village drifts into her own fantasy world.
Runtime: 1 h 38 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish

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16mm projector1940sactor shares first name with characteranatomyanatomy lessonanimal in titleapiarybarking dogbeebeehivebeekeeperbeekeepingbiology classblack catbloody lipsbody identificationboyburning a lettercamera shot from under a bedcamera shot of feetcampfirecastillacastillecatchild and fugitivechild protagonistchild psychologychildhoodchildhood fantasychildhood traumachristiancigar smokingcigarettecigarette smokingcinemaclassclassroomcoming of agecovering a dead bodycuriositydark forestdead bodydelusiondirectorial debutdoctordogdrawingeating an appleelementary schoolentomologistfantasizingfantasy scenefantasy sequencefemale teacherfieldfilm within a filmfinger injuryfugitiveghostgirlgirls' schoolguardia sevillehallucinationhoneycombidentificationimaginary childimaginationinsect in titleletterlighting a candlelighting a cigaretteliterature classlittle boylittle girllooking at oneself in a mirrorlorrylying on the floormagic trickmagical realismman reads a magazineman wears eyeglassesman wears one sockmissing childmissing girlmissing personmushroommushroom pickingobsessionoil lampold manold womanone room schoolhouseone sock up one sock downorigamioverweight manoverweight womanphantasmphoto albumphotographpiano playingpicking wild mushroomsplaying pianopocket watchpointing a gun at someoneprankprayerprayingpretending to be deadpretending to sleepprojectionprojection roomrailroadrailroad trackrazor shavereading a bookreading a book aloudreading a letterreading a letter aloudreading a magazinereading aloudreading aloud from a bookreference to boris karloffreference to frankensteinreference to frankenstein's monsterreference to frankenstein's monsterreference to godreference to virgin maryriding a bikerocking chairrural settingschoolschoolteachersearch partyshadowshavingshaving with a straight razorshoelacesinging alongsister sister relationshipsleeping fully clothedsoldierspanish civil warspanish villageteacherthrowing a stonetimeframe 1940stoadstooltraintrain stationtypewritertypingvillagevoice over letterwatching a moviewatching a movie in a theaterwatching someone sleepwearing one sockwellwhistlingwiping blood on lipswoodswriting a letteryear 1940
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