Watch NowShow more The Spy Who Came in from the ColdPlay Trailer Summary: Instead of coming in from the Cold War, British agent Alec Leamas chooses to face another mission.Release Date: January 21, 1966Genres: Drama, ThrillerDirector: Martin Ritt Martin RittDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: John le Carré John le CarréWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Paul Dehn Paul DehnWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Guy Trosper Guy TrosperWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 52 minMPAA: PG Production: Salem Films LimitedDistributor: Paramount Pictures, American Broadcasting Company (ABC), Paramount Home Entertainment, The Criterion CollectionCountry: United KingdomLanguage: English Box office:Worldwide:$342Adaptation/remake:based on novel N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 17%6% 17% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.6% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White88.24%Asian5.88%Jewish5.88% N/A LGBTQ content included:gay, homosexualNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Richard BurtonStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Oskar WernerStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Claire BloomStar Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Sam WanamakerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia George VoskovecSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Rupert DaviesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cyril CusackSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter van EyckSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael HordernSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert HardySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bernard LeeSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Beatrix LehmannSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Esmond KnightSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tom SternSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Niall MacGinnisSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Scot FinchSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anne BlakeSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia George MikellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Richard MarnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Warren MitchellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve PlytasExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Graham ArmitageExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia David BauerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard CaldicotExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marianne DeemingExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Walter GotellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edward HarveyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Katherine KeetonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Philip MadocExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Henk MolenbergExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nancy NevinsonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John QuentinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael RipperExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael RittermannExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard ShawExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Terry YorkeExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Geoffrey KeenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Martin RittProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia John le CarréWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paul DehnWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guy TrosperWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords airportalcoholicalcoholic drinkamsterdam netherlandsassaultatheismbased on novelbeachberlin germanyberlin wallbicycleborder crossingbritish agentbritish intelligencebriton abroadcheckpoint charliecold warcommunismconfessioncounter espionagecustomscynicismdeath of title characterdebriefingdefectiondoomed lovedouble agentdouble crossdrinkeast germanyemployment agencyespionageframedgay slurgrocery storehomosexualindependent filmintelligence moleinterrogationiron curtainjailbreakjewishjob interviewlibrarianlibrarylondon englandnazioccupation in titleprisoner's aidprofanityrainstormrestaurantsearchlightshot in the backshot to deathspyspy thrillerstrip clubsurprise endingtitle same as booktribunalwhiskeyAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Why Hating Spies Is All the RageLifestyle var dataLayer = window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'videoName': 'The Spy Who Came in From the Cold - Trailer', 'videoType': 'Curated' }); Glenn Greenwald is at... 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