Watch NowShow more The TransfigurationPlay Trailer Summary: When troubled teen Milo, who has a fascination with vampire lore, meets the equally alienated Sophie, the two form a bond that begins to blur Milo's fantasy into reality.Release Date: April 21, 2017Genres: Drama, HorrorDirector: Michael O'Shea Michael O'SheaDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Michael O'Shea Michael O'SheaWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 37 minMPAA: Not Rated Production: Susie Q Productions, Transfiguration ProductionsCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 22,091International: $ 6,540 Box office:Domestic:$22.1KInternational:$6.5KWorldwide:$28.6KBox office International:[{"country":"United Kingdom","data":"6524","flag":"GB"}]Source: The Numbers -30% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -30% lower than the critics.85%55%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 17%31% 17% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.31% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White69.23%Black23.08%Indian7.69% N/A BechdeltestNo 2 womenNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:85%55%Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Eric RuffinStar Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Chloë LevineStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Luis ScottStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Karin CherchesStar Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Dangelo BonneliSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Aaron MotenSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Carter RedwoodSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia JaQwan J. KellySupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Tarikk MuduSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Samuel H. LevineSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lloyd KaufmanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Danny FlahertySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Charlotte SchweigerSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Karin CherchesSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Frank L. MessinaSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tyler RossellSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Luis ScottSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Larry FessendenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Amir DixonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher MartinezSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Larry FessendenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Amir DixonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher MartinezExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Eli TokashExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Matthew SpillerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maya ParishExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Rachel KimseyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Zak KilbergExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrick DanielsExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Clarissa MillerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Carmen DreyerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Heather Rose SpearsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Phyillicia BishopExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Anna FriedmanExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jose Ignacio GomezExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jada JarvisExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jose LopezExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia James LorinzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Keith MacklerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Victor PaganExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jack UtrataExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Nora WoolleyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Heidi K. EklundExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Clare GrantExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Richard G. CalderonExtra Filmography Wikipedia Jelly BeanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anthony O'ConnellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Michael O'SheaWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eve BattagliaCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Javier GonzalezProducer Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel HammondProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Susan LeberProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lauren McCarthyProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Billy MulliganProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joyce PierpolineProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords autopsybag full of moneybeachblackbloodblood suckingboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbrother brother relationshipcalendarcemeterychildcoming of agecross race relationshipdead motherdriveby shootingfirst timefriendshipfunfairgunhidden moneyindependent filmkisslaunderettelaundromatmoneymovie reality crossovermovie theatermurdernotepen knifepocket knifepolicepsychotronic filmpublic toiletpunched in the facereference to barry goldwaterreference to nosferatureference to twilightrooftopschoolseasideshot in the chestshot to deathslumsstealingsubwaysucking bloodsuicidesuicide noteteenage boyteenage vampireteenagerteenager killedthroat slittingtoileturinating on someoneurinationvampirevirginvisiting a gravevomitingwritten by directorAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: An Infamous Past 2,524 words [1] Marta Petreu An Infamous Past: E. 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