Watch NowShow more The Truffle HuntersPlay Trailer Summary: Deep in the forests of Piedmont, Italy, a handful of men, seventy or eighty years old, hunt for the rare and expensive white Alba truffle-which to date has resisted all of modern science's efforts at cultivation.Release Date: March 12, 2021Genre: DocumentaryDirectors: Michael Dweck Michael DweckDirector Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia , Gregory Kershaw Gregory KershawDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Michael Dweck Michael DweckWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia , Gregory Kershaw Gregory KershawWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 24 minMPAA: PG-13 Production: Beautiful Stories, Artemis Rising Foundation, Bow and Arrow Entertainment, Go Gigi Go Productions, Park PicturesCountries: Italy, Greece, United StatesLanguage: ItalianDomestic: $ 521,202International: $ 994,326 Box office:Domestic:$521.2KInternational:$994.3KWorldwide:$1.5M -20% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -20% lower than the critics.97%77%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 9%0% 9% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% 1.45 CommonsensemediaMessage3/5Role model1/5Violence2/5Language3/5Drugs2/5This film gets a 1.45/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:97%77%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Piero BottoStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sergio CaudaStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maria CicciùStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Aurelio ConternoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Enrico CrippaSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gianfranco CurtiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Angelo GagliardiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Egidio GagliardiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carlo GondolaSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Carlo GonellaSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paolo StacchiniSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Michael DweckProducer Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Gregory KershawProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lance AcordProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hallee AdelmanProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Leslie BerrimanProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sam BisbeeProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia René Simon Cruz Jr.Producer Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Geralyn White DreyfousProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Luca GuadagninoProducer Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Letizia GuglielminoProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ivy HermanProducer Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Jackie Kelman BisbeeProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christos V. KonstantakopoulosProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cecilia LuppiProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Nion McEvoyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cameron O'ReillyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Matthew PerniciaroProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Patty QuillinProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Regina K. ScullyProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael ShermanProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim SwartzProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Lynda WeinmanProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jamie WolfProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Fabio FerraroProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Adam LewisProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Melony LewisProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Susan SwartzProducer Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords cannes 2020coldforesthillhuntericesnowtruffle hunterAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: What a Quirky Documentary About Truffles Can Teach Us About PurposeWe don’t review documentaries that much at Plugged In. Let’s be honest: We stay plenty busy as it is. But I still watch some all the same. And every once in a while, I run across one that I... Proper ReviewApr 14th 2021 Plugged In#Christian#CenterRight THE TRUFFLE HUNTERS"Time, Tradition and Truffles"Content: -1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults. Production Quality: What You Need To Know:THE TRUFFLE... Proper ReviewMar 10th 2021 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian The Truffle Hunters, 2020 - ★★★★THE TRUFFLE HUNTERS (Michael Dweck and Gregory Kershaw, USA, 8) My Sundance capsule for the Salt Lake City Weekly: Proper ReviewFeb 2nd 2020 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Sundance 2020 reviews: Day 8. The Father, Welcome to Chechnya, The Truffle Hunters, Some Kind of Heaven and more ... Proper ReviewJan 31st 2020 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment