Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | Rated PG-13 for thematic content and some disturbing violent images. |
International Certification | Argentina : 13Australia : MBrazil : 14Canada : PG,PGChile : 13+Denmark : 11Ecuador : 13+Finland : K-12France : 13Germany : 12India : 16Ireland : 12AIsrael : 12Italy : TJapan : GMexico : BNetherlands : 12New Zealand : MNorway : 12Philippines : PG-13Poland : 13Singapore : M18,PG13South Korea : 15,12Spain : 7Sweden : 15Turkey : 13+United Kingdom : 12AUnited States : PG-13United Arab Emirates : 13+Vietnam : C16 |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Nudity | Talk of sexual abuse occurring in the church. There is also a brief mention of masturbation. This is during a confession, so its in a serious context. |
Violence | A compilation of murders involving priests and nuns are shown. A man is shot in the head offscreen but we hear the gunshot and cut to him collapsing. A man near railroad tracks is killed after being shot in the chest while on his knees. Another man is shot in the chest and slouches against a wall nearby. Multiple bodies are seen and are implied to have been murdered. The violence is not bloody but is disturbing knowing people are killing priests. A group of jesuits are harassed by the army. A man is pulled by his hair and forced into a car. Jesuits being held in containment and being tortured is briefly seen. The violence is very disturbing and shot almost like found footage. |
Profanity | 1 use of son of a bitch. 1 use of damn. 1 Carajo |
Alcohol | Wine is mentioned and beer is seen being consumed in one scene. Both Popes drink beer together while watching a football game. |
Frightening | Multiple priests are killed onscreen and off. (Disturbing) |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Message | Many nuggets of wisdom delivered throughout the film, sometimes through Biblical verse, with themes of leadership, compassion, humility, integrity, communication. Strongest message is importance of holding ourselves accountable for our mistakes -- and not just to forgive others but also to forgive ourselves. |
Role model | Pope Francis is an extraordinarily humble man who walks the walk and acts with integrity. Both he and Pope Benedict try to make decisions to affect the greater good, but their implementation of that is different. They both try to fix their mistakes and offer forgiveness to others who make errors in judgment. Pope Francis is excellent at making people feel at ease. |
Violence | An authoritarian government squelches rebellion with strong-arm techniques: gunning down priests, torturing and killing citizen dissenters. A soccer game gets rough, with players having bloody cuts to the head. Veiled references to sexual abuse of altar boys by priests. |
Sex | Prominently displayed painting of a naked boy. |
Language | Very little, but it is out of the mouth of popes: "son of a bitch," "dammit." |
Consumerism | The Vatican and the Pope's residence and wardrobe are quite ornate, but the future Pope Francis spurns that to embrace simple living. Fanta soda is shown and mentioned by name. |
Drugs | The popes often drink wine but not to excess (one pope seems to prefer orange soda). Brief smoking. |
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