Watch NowShow more They Made Me a Criminal Summary: A champion boxer on the lamb, believed to have committed murder while drunk, takes refuge and finds redemption at a farm for delinquent youths.Release Date: January 28, 1939Genres: Drama, Crime, Film-NoirDirector: Busby Berkeley Busby BerkeleyDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Sig Herzig Sig HerzigWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Bertram Millhauser Bertram MillhauserWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Beulah Marie Dix Beulah Marie DixWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 32 minMPAA: Approved Production: Warner Bros.Distributor: Warner Bros., Dominant Pictures Corporation, Associated Artists Productions (AAP), Image Entertainment, VCI Entertainment, Alpha Video Distributors, Reel Media International, Film DetectiveCountry: United StatesLanguage: English Cast Stars: Supporting cast: Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Representation Tags / Keywords accidental deathaliasarid regionsarizonaarizona desertarizona territorybad influencebare chested malebare chested male fightingbare chested teenage boybased on novelbased on playboxerboxingboxing championboxing glovesboxing ringboxing sportboy wears underwear in publicboy wears white underwearboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbrother sister relationshipcameracaught in a liechallenged to a fightchampioncigarette smokingcranky old womancrooked fight managercrooked lawyercrop harvestingcynical protagonistdared to stealdate palm treedead end kidsdeceptiondisgraced police officerdown on his luckdrawing a straightdrunk drivingdrunken stupordrunkennesseconomic distressex girlfriendfainting from hungerfalse accusationfatal car crashfield farm workerfistfightframed for murdergas stationgate crashinggetting fleecedgiving someone a second chanceheadlinehuman ladderirrigationjuvenile delinquentknockout punchladdermanslaughtermistaken identitymoral reformationnew york citynewspaper photographnewspaper reporternypd detectiveon the runorchestral music scorepawn shopperson thought dead is aliveplaying strip pokerpolice chasepolice detectivepolicemanposterprize moneypulling a conranchreference to a priestreference to the waldorf astoria hotelreformed characterrescue from drowningrich kidriding the railsrobberyroyal flushself sacrificesheriffsmelling saltssoda popsouthpawstealing a kissstethoscopestolen wristwatchstrip pokerstruggle for survivalswimmingswimming in a water towerswindletaking a picturetalking to oneselfteen delinquentsteenage boy in underwearteenage boysthumb in the eyetraintrying to do the right thingtrying to right a past wrongunwanted kissupbeat endingvagabondwater tankworld lightweight championship fightAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Critic Reviews: Total found: 3. Show in Search Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment