Watch NowShow more Third Man on the MountainPlay Trailer Summary: A boy attempts to realize his father's dream of climbing an alpine peak known as the Citadel.Release Date: November 10, 1959Genres: Adventure, Drama, FamilyDirector: Ken Annakin Ken AnnakinDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Eleanore Griffin Eleanore GriffinWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia , James Ramsey Ullman James Ramsey UllmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 47 minMPAA: G Production: Walt Disney ProductionsDistributor: National Broadcasting Company (NBC), Disney Channel, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Disney+Countries: United States, United KingdomLanguage: SpanishMovie budget: $ 2,000,000 Budget:$2MAdaptation/remake:based on novelPossible Big Business:Production:Walt Disney Productions N/A The average Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 74%.74%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 25%7% 25% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.7% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White93.33%Latino6.67% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:74%IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Michael RennieStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia James MacArthurStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Janet MunroStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: James DonaldSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Herbert LomSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Laurence NaismithSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lee PattersonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Walter FitzgeraldSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nora SwinburneSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ferdy MayneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Leonard FentonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Helen HayesSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia James Ramsey UllmanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joyce BulifantSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Roger DelgadoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John GabrielSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Ken AnnakinDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eleanore GriffinWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia James Ramsey UllmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bill AndersonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Walt DisneyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alan JaggsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords based on novelbootsboycandlecandlestickclimbingcrevassecrossdancingdishwasherechoguidehorse and carriagehorse drawn carriagemountainmountain climbingmountaineerpolkapolka dancerainrescuerocksingingtelescopevillagewhistlingAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Submit a review link YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment