Summary: The world's climate is changing. Instead of showing the worst that can happen, this documentary focuses on the people suggesting solutions and their actions.
Release Date: April 14, 2017
Genre: Documentary
Cyril Dion
Runtime: 1 h 58 min
Production: Move Movie, Mars Films, Mely Productions, Agence Française de Développement, Région Aquitaine, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Colibris - Mouvement pour la Terre et l'Humanisme, Agrinergia, Hozhoni, Johes, Affaires Publiques Consultants (APC), Fonds de Dotation Akuo Energy, Orange Cinéma Séries, France Télévisions, KissKissBankBank
Distributor: Under The Milky Way
Domestic: $ 62,510
International: $ 11,228,885
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
2010sagricultureagroecologyagronomybicycle commutingchennai indiacircular economyclassroomcompostcompost heapcooperationcopenhagen denmarkcorrupting influence of capitalismcrisiscritique of capitalismdalitsdemocracydetroit michigandirect democracyecologyeconomyecosystemeducationenergyfirst person narrationicelandlocal currencylocal empowermentlocal food movementlocal governmentlocal politicslocal producemass extinctionmontessorione word titleorganic farmingorganic foodpermaculturepersonal developmentpost industrial societypredatory capitalismreference to david bowiereference to thomas jeffersonrenewable energyschoolsolar energysolar panelsolutionsustainabilitysustainable agriculturesustainable farmingsustainable livingsustainable urban developmenttimeframe 2010stipping pointtitle spoken by narratorurban gardenurban renewalwind energywind turbine
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