Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Ratinghttps://www.commonsensemedia.orglast updated: 2024-09-27Update data | |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | Couple Kiss, discussion regarding "cheating" couple. |
Language | OMG-3; Asinine-1; Bull hunky-1; (letter used) F-ing-1 (not the word); A-1; Name calling such as jerk, mental, nuts; Jeez-1 |
Violence | Parents die in train wreck; young woman throws things at boyfriend; man beats a man to death; man hits himself. |
Drugs | Man with cigar; couple in bar that was once a soda shop orders champagne; couple drinks champagne. |
Nudity | Scene of man sitting in bath tub and scene of woman sitting in bathtub but neither displays any nudity |
Other | Man hitch-hiking; man standing up while riding in back of pick-up truck; young man follows a young woman all over the country; father is dying; man picks at woman to make her stronger; man lies to police; a man is arrested. |
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