Watch NowShow more Wild Hearts Can't Be BrokenPlay Trailer Summary: Thrilled by a performance she sees at a fair, Sonora Webster tries to land a spot as a daredevil who rides horses off of high dives.Release Date: May 24, 1991Genres: Drama, Family, RomanceDirector: Steve Miner Steve MinerDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Matt Williams Matt WilliamsWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Oley Sassone Oley SassoneWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 28 minMPAA: G Production: Walt Disney Pictures, Silver Screen Partners IV, Pegasus EntertainmentDistributor: Walt Disney Home Video, National Broadcasting Company (NBC), Disney+Country: United StatesLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 7,294,835 Box office:Domestic:$7.3MWorldwide:$7.3MAdaptation/remake:based on true storyPossible Big Business:Production:Walt Disney Pictures 16% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 16% higher than the critics.73%89%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 50%0% 50% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White94.12%Jewish5.88% 2.60 CommonsensemediaEducational2/5Message4/5Role model4/5Violence3/5Sex1/5This film gets a 2.60/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:73%89%Douban:IMDb:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Gabrielle AnwarStar Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Cliff RobertsonStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael SchoefflingStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Dylan KussmanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kathleen YorkSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Frank RenzulliSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nancy Moore AtchisonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lisa NormanSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lorianne CollinsSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Elizabeth HayesSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Laura Lee NortonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael J. MatusiakSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeff WoodwardSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia David MassrySupporting Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Cheri BrownSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia David DwyerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Haley AullSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ed GradySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Katy MatsonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Wendy BallExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sam AullExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carson AullExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Boyd PetersonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gene WalkerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lowell D. SmithExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rick WarnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark Jeffrey MillerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher JonesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Don YoungExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Steve MinerDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Matt WilliamsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Oley SassoneProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mary Gail ArtzCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sarah BrockProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Robin S. ClarkProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords accidentamericanaanimal in cast creditsatlantic city new jerseyaunt niece relationshipbareback ridingbased on true storybelgianbelgian horseblind girlblindnessboy horse relationshipbuffalo bill impersonatorburning a lettercarneycarnivalchild abuseclose up of eyecounty fairdappled grey horsedaredevildeathdeath of fatherdeterminationdivingdiving accidentdiving into waterequestrianfarmfather son relationshipfearfemale rivalrygeorgia usagirl horse relationshipgreat depressionhorsehorse divinghorse groomhorse jumphorse jumping a fencehorse moviehorse ridinghorse stallhorse trainerhorseback ridingjealousykeeping letter from someoneletterlisteninglovelove lettermale female relationshipmarriage proposalmotorcyclenew jerseynewspaper adnorth carolinaorphanriding accidentriding barebackrunawayschool suspensionsick animalsteel pier atlantic citystunt gone wrongteacher student relationshipteenage girltimeframe 1930stowerwater tankwoman in poseAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: WILD HEARTS CAN’T BE BROKENContent: -1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults. Production Quality: Rent or Buy: What You Need To Know:True inspirational story... Proper ReviewAug 18th 2012 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment