Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Do what's right. Look out for one another. |
Role model | The Janitor doesn't hesitate in killing the possessed animatronic monsters that have terrorized the town for years. Liv shows bravery and courage fighting for her friends and what is right over safety, like going back into Willy's Wonderland to save the Janitor when everyone else didn't want to. |
Violence | Lots of blood and violence. Some gore. Many scenes show a man beating animatronic monsters to grisly deaths. He rips an alligator's jaws apart until its head hangs bloody, lifeless. He beats, hits, kicks, bashes in other monsters with pipes, large sticks, chairs, bare hands. Machine parts spark and fly off, but lifelike dark oil-looking "blood" flies everywhere. He kills a gorilla monster by curb-stomping his head and teeth into a urinal. He rips a monster's head clean off, twice. A young woman stabs a frog-girl monster many times. A pixie-girl monster gets hit, run over, crushed by a car. People also die grisly deaths as they try to escape the evil monsters. Children, teens, adults are hunted, killed. A man gets decapitated by a monster with a sword. A boy is clawed by animatronic Willy the Weasel. Other teens are eaten alive. Sometimes, intestines and "insides" are shown as victims scream in pain. Monsters say things like, "I'm going to eat your eyes," while stalking and chasing down their victims. A teen gets run through by a sword. A woman gets cleaved in half completely. Two men in a car burn to death after it explodes. The monsters often lose their robotic movements when they kill and are being killed, which heightens the already high sense of fakeness, because once monsters start moving, the people in masks and costumes behind the monsters are easily visible. |
Sex | A woman in a skirt and underwear is shown from below as she walks up a ladder, showing her backside. A teen takes off her shirt, revealing her bra and cleavage. Two teens go to a room to make out and have sex. Clothed, they have sex with the girl on top. Romantic kissing. A girl animatronic monster asks a teen, "Wanna f--k?" |
Language | Strong language includes "f--k," "s--t," "bitch," "ass," "damn," "pr--k," "p---y," "balls," "hell," and "fatty." |
Consumerism | |
Drugs | Teens light up a marijuana joint and smoke it. Some jokes about being high and growing weed. Adults smoke cigars. A man drinks energy drinks and gets energized each time. |
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