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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Promotes perseverance of immigrants, empathy and compassion for all. Also underscores universality of music -- in this case, country music -- and how loving country music and wanting to play it can appeal to anyone, no matter their background. |
Role model | Rose is resilient, talented. She overcomes many obstacles, manages to keep going despite odds against her success. Elliot is a kind, supportive, encouraging friend. Jolene is generous, caring to Rose. Dale is willing to take Rose on as a protégé and mentor her. Diverse cast led by Filipina American characters also includes White and Mexican Texans. |
Violence | Disturbing scenes of ICE agents rounding up people to detain. The people cry as they're detained. Rose cries, shouts as her mother is detained, later as she hides from ICE. Sadness when family members are parted from each other and struggle alone. Arguments. |
Sex | Rose asks Elliot not to look in the backseat while she changes. Flirting, dancing, a couple of short and sweet kisses. |
Language | Occasional strong language includes "s--t," "s--tty," "shut up," and "chickens--t," and "illegal" to describe a person. |
Consumerism | Oreck vacuum, Chuck Taylor sneakers. |
Drugs | Rose and Elliot, both of whom are underage, drink at a bar. Rose drinks on other occasions and gets drunk. Other characters drink in bars or at home and smoke cigarettes. |
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