Zombieland: Double Tap
Summary: Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock move to the American heartland as they face off against evolved zombies, fellow survivors, and the growing pains of the snarky makeshift family.
Release Date: October 18, 2019
Ruben Fleischer
Runtime: 1 h 39 min
Distributor: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Movie budget: $ 42,000,000
Domestic: $ 73,123,082
International: $ 49,687,317
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abandoned houseabandoned shopping mallabsurdismactor reprises previous roleactress reprises previous roleaerial camera shotallergic reactionaltered version of studio logoambushangerantique gunapologyarmored cararsonassault rifleattempted murderautomobileaxeaxe in the chestaxe in the headbarbarricadebartenderbasketballbattlebattlefieldbayonetbearded manbeaten to deathbeatingbetrayalbilliardsbinocular visionbinocularsbio dieselbiodieselbirthday cakebitten in the legbitten in the neckblack comedyblondeblonde girlbloodblood on camera lensblood splatterbody countbookbottle of alcoholboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbraverybrawlbreaking a bottle over someone's headbreaking the fourth wallbroken heartbrutalitybullet beltburned aliveburned to deathbuscameocameramancandlecarcar accidentcar crashcar rollovercar set on firecatchphrasecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguechasechristmaschristmas decorationchristmas presentchristmas treecolon in titlecombatcombine harvestercomic bookcommunecornfieldcorpsecorridorcoughingcouragecowboy hatcranecreaturecrowbarcrushed by a carcrushed carcrushed headcrushed to deathcut into piecesdangerdeathdecapitationdeceptiondepartment storediamonddisarming someonedoppelgangerdrug userdrugsdual wielddumb blonde stereotypedysfunctional familyeaten aliveelvis presley costumeend of the worldengagement ringescapeescape attemptexploding bodyexploding carexploding headexploding vehicleexploitationexplosionexplosiveeyeballf wordface blown offfalling from heightfalling to deathfarmfarmerfast zombiefather christmasfearfear of clownsfemale bartenderfemale warriorfightfight to the deathfinal battlefinal showdownfirefire axefire axe as weaponfire hosefirearmfireplacefireworksfistfightflashbackflat tireflesh eating zombieflintlock riflefoot chaseforestgaragegasolinegatling gungirl wears shortsgoregracelandgrenadegrenade launchergrindhouse filmguitargungun fugunfirehacky sackhand grenadehand to hand combathandgunhandheld weaponhappy birthday to youheld at gunpointhippiehit by a carhit on the head with a chairhit with a chairhit with a guitarhit with a shovelhope diamondhordehotelhuman versus undeadhuman versus zombieice cream vanimpalementimprovised weaponinfectioninterviewitalianjean shortsjewelrykisskiss on the foreheadkissing while having sexknifeknocked out with a gun buttlaboratorylast second rescuelatinaleaning tower of pisaleather jacketlimousinelong haired femalelong haired womanlong takelovelove interestlove trianglemachine gunmale protagonistmallman and woman share a bedman with a beardman with no namemannequinmansionmarijuanamarijuana jointmarriage proposalmassacrememphis tennesseemercilessnessmexican standoffminivanminivan explosionmistaken identitymonster truckmontagemoral dilemmamotelmotor carmotor truckmotor vehiclemurdermurdered with an axemusical instrumentmutationnarcoticsnear death experiencenecklaceneon signnew agenicknamenightnighttimenorth americanotenut allergyobscene finger gestureoffscreen sexon the roadopening action sceneoutbreakoutnumberedoverturning carpacifistpaintingpart of duologypendantpianopickup truckpisa italypistolplaguepool ballpool cuepool tablepork pie hatportraitpost apocalypsepremarital sexpresumed deadproduct placementprojectile weaponproposing marriage on bended kneepunched in the facepunching bagrace against timeraised middle fingerrecreational vehicleredheadredneckreference to abraham lincolnreference to apocalypse nowreference to barack obamareference to bill murrayreference to bob dylanreference to cinderellareference to dale earnhardt sr.reference to david grayreference to dawn of the deadreference to dwight d. eisenhowerreference to elvis presleyreference to gandhireference to george washingtonreference to ghostbustersreference to grace randolphreference to gracelandreference to homer simpsonreference to lethal weaponreference to lord of the ringsreference to marijuanareference to miami vicereference to phil collinsreference to richard nixonreference to stephen hawkingreference to the godfatherreference to the terminatorreference to the university of california at berkeleyreference to uberreference to usain boltreference to wesley snipesreference to william howard taftreference to youtuberescuerevolverrifleringrulerunningrvsanctuarysanta claus costumesarcasmsawed off shotgunscarscene after end creditsscene during end creditsscene during opening creditssearchsecond partsegwaysemi automatic pistolsemi automatic weaponsequelsequel to cult filmsevered headshieldshopping mallshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the eyeshot in the faceshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the neckshot in the shouldershot in the throatshot multiple timesshot to deathshotgunshovelshovel as weaponshowdownshrinesidearmsideburnssingersinging and playing guitarsinging in a carsingle cab pickup trucksister sister relationshipsix shooterslow motion action sceneslow motion scenesmoking marijuanasnowsouthern accentspiral staircasesquatterstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the neckstabbed in the throatstabbed to deathstaircasestairwellstatuestealing a carstonerstylized violencesuper strengthsurprise after end creditssurprise during end creditssurprise endingsurvivalsurvivorswordtarget practiceteamworkthe number 3the white housethree word titlethroat slittingtimeframe 2010stimeframe 21st centurytitle spoken by charactertorchtough girltough guytowertrainingtraining montagetransformationundeadunited states of americausauzivalley girlvanveganvegetarianvehicleview through binocularsvintage carviolencevirusvoice over narrationvomitvomitingwarriorwashington d.c.washington monumentweaponweldingwhite housewinkwisecrack humorwoman with no namewoodsyear 2009year 2019zombiezombie apocalypsezombie attackzombie comedyzombie hordezombie horrorzombie outbreakzombie parodyzombification
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