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Summary: In this live drama series, over two hundred live plays, covering all aspects of society, were shown.
Release Date: October 27, 1953
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Production: Theatre Guild
Country: United States
Language: English
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Au théâtre ce soir (1966)

Actors: Jacques Balutin, Darry Cowl, Jean Lefebvre, Jacqueline Maillan, Maria Pacôme, Fernand Raynaud, and Michel Roux

Too Young to Love (1960)

Actors: Jacques Balutin, Darry Cowl, Jean Lefebvre, Jacqueline Maillan, Maria Pacôme, Fernand Raynaud, and Michel Roux

The Truth About Women (1957)

Actors: Jacques Balutin, Darry Cowl, Jean Lefebvre, Jacqueline Maillan, Maria Pacôme, Fernand Raynaud, and Michel Roux

The Passionate Stranger (1957)

Actors: Jacques Balutin, Darry Cowl, Jean Lefebvre, Jacqueline Maillan, Maria Pacôme, Fernand Raynaud, and Michel Roux

Street Corner (1953)

Actors: Jacques Balutin, Darry Cowl, Jean Lefebvre, Jacqueline Maillan, Maria Pacôme, Fernand Raynaud, and Michel Roux

The Happy Family (1952)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

The Lost People (1949)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

Christopher Columbus (1949)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

Portrait from Life (1949)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

Here Come the Huggetts (1948)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

The Blind Goddess (1948)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

Good-Time Girl (1948)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

Daybreak (1948)

Actors: Dandy Nichols

Easy Money (1948)

Actors: Greta Gynt
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