  • David Bradley
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Summary: Nine noble families fight for control over the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for millennia.
Release Date: April 17, 2011
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Language: English
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Summary: As the battle between the forces of good and evil in the wizarding world escalates, Harry Potter draws ever closer to his final confrontation with Voldemort.
Runtime: 2 h 10 min

Movie budget: $ 125,000,000
Domestic: $ 381,447,587
International: $ 961,052,157
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Summary: Steve Rogers, a rejected military soldier, transforms into Captain America after taking a dose of a "Super-Soldier serum". But being Captain America comes at a price as he attempts to take down a warmonger and a terrorist organiza...
Runtime: 2 h 04 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 140,000,000
Domestic: $ 176,654,505
International: $ 193,915,269
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Summary: An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world.
Runtime: 2 h 32 min

Movie budget: $ 125,000,000
Domestic: $ 318,886,962
International: $ 707,527,513
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Summary: Harry Potter lives his second year at Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione when a message on the wall announces that the legendary Chamber of Secrets has been opened. The trio soon realize that, to save the school, it will take a lot of...
Runtime: 2 h 41 min

Movie budget: $ 100,000,000
Domestic: $ 262,641,637
International: $ 619,904,390
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Summary: Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding an escaped prisoner who poses a dangerous threat to the young wizard.
Runtime: 2 h 22 min

Movie budget: $ 130,000,000
Domestic: $ 250,105,651
International: $ 558,379,758
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Summary: Harry Potter finds himself competing in a hazardous tournament between rival schools of magic, but he is distracted by recurring nightmares.
Runtime: 2 h 37 min

Movie budget: $ 150,000,000
Domestic: $ 290,469,928
International: $ 606,999,024
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Summary: With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.
Runtime: 2 h 18 min

Movie budget: $ 150,000,000
Domestic: $ 292,382,727
International: $ 650,479,854
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Summary: As Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book marked as "the property of the Half-Blood Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past.
Runtime: 2 h 33 min

Movie budget: $ 250,000,000
Domestic: $ 302,334,374
International: $ 638,721,477
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Summary: An overachieving London police sergeant is transferred to a village where the easygoing officers object to his fervor for regulations, all while a string of grisly murders strikes the town.
Runtime: 2 h 01 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 8,000,000
Domestic: $ 23,637,265
International: $ 56,943,756
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Summary: The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and his companions from planet Earth.
Release Date: April 05, 2005
Runtime: 0 h 45 min

Language: French
Domestic: $ 76,205
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Summary: A mysterious viral outbreak with hallmarks of an ancient and evil strain of vampirism ravages the city of New York.
Release Date: July 13, 2014
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Runtime: 0 h 43 min

Countries: United States, Mexico
Language: English
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Summary: Epic series reveals the scandalous life of a young king whose affairs and obsession with producing a male heir changed marriage, the church, and the world.
Release Date: April 01, 2007
Runtime: 1 h 00 min