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Summary: A gritty drama which follows the work of the police force in the fictional town of Newtown in the North of England.
Release Date: January 02, 1962
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 0 h 50 min

Language: English
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Summary: Constable George Dixon and his colleagues at the Dock Green police station in the East End of London deal with petty crime, successfully controlling it through common sense and human understanding.
Release Date: July 09, 1955
Genres: Drama, Crime

Language: English
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Summary: 1970s BBC police drama with experienced cops DCS Charlie Barlow and DS John Watt who lead a task force charged with tackling the toughest cases Thamesford has to offer.
Release Date: November 20, 1969
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 0 h 50 min

Language: English
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The Emperors (2014)

Six Days of Justice (1972)

Beryl's Lot (1973)

Actors: Mark Kingston and Carmel McSharry

Spy Trap (1972)

Actors: Julian Glover and Paul Daneman

The Man Outside (1972)

Actors: Rupert Davies

It's Murder. But Is It Art? (1972)

Actors: Rupert Davies

Take Three Girls (1969)

Actors: Angela Down, Liza Goddard, and Susan Jameson

Menace (1970)

Actors: Angela Down, Liza Goddard, and Susan Jameson

The Misfit (1970)

Actors: Ronald Fraser

Detective (1964)

Actors: Ronald Fraser

The Man in the Iron Mask (1968)

Actors: Sonia Dresdel and Noel Willman

Theatre 625 (1964)

Actors: Sonia Dresdel and Noel Willman
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